Collection of Java procps-like utilities (such as top, ps, etc)
jtop is the only tool currently implemented, providing a top-like interface for visualizing CPU usage of Java threads. This is intended to give you a clue what to look for when troubleshooting very large or complex multi-threaded Java applications using jconsole or a traditional debugger. Looking at you, IntelliJ.
jtop works by simply combining ps and jstack and providing a similar UI to top.
PID TID USER %CPU %MEM THREAD 13480 13483 jasta 104 2.3 main 13480 13497 jasta 86.3 2.3 C2 CompilerThread1 13480 13496 jasta 83.0 2.3 C2 CompilerThread0 4866 4953 jasta 1.0 13.4 AWT-EventQueue-1 12.1.4#IC-129.713, eap:false 4866 14154 jasta 0.9 13.4 ApplicationImpl pooled thread 36 4866 5219 jasta 0.8 13.4 JobScheduler pool 5/8