jataware / dojo

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Dojo Integrated Development Environment

For more comprehensive developer documentation, you can find the Dojo Developer Docs here.


  1. Clone repo: main is used as the stage/development branch. All work and Pull Requests are based against it.
  2. Run $ make init to configure and pull the required submodules.
  3. Optional: Add your secrets to the file envfile.
Optional: Dev Setup to Publish Models

To publish and work with Model flows:

If you don't need to publish models, you will not need to modify the default envfile that was generated from envfile.sample to get started.

  1. Run $ make up to build and bring online all services
  2. Setup is complete


To start all services: $ make up

To stop all services: $ make down

To force rebuild all images: $ make rebuild all

To view logs: $ make logs or $ docker-compose logs {service-name}


Loading images to the internal Docker server

When make up command is run, the Ubuntu image is pulled and loaded in to the internal docker server. As some of the images are quite large, for the sake of time and bandwidth only the Ubuntu image is automatically loaded.

If you need a different base image loaded, you can load it with this command: docker-compose exec docker docker pull jataware/dojo-publish:{base_image_tag_name}

Since the Docker service has a persistent volume, you should not need to rerun the command unless changes have been made to the image.


Recommended System Requirements

Due to newer features, such as semantic search, we recommended:

This matches, and has been tested on, a t3.2xlarge instance on AWS.