javaBin / javabin-hjemmeside

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To run: Download Play framework version 1.2.4 fra Define the environment variable PLAY_HOME to the directory that contains PLAY. Include PLAY_HOME in PATH. (e.g. export PLAY_HOME=$HOME/play-1.2.4; export PATH=$PLAY_HOME:$PATH)

From the '' directory, run: 'play install playapps' 'play install pdf' 'play dependencies'

All dependencies are declared in the 'conf/dependencies.yml' file

When changing the dependency graph you must invoke: 'play dependencies'

IDEA-instructions: 'play idealize' Create a new IDEA project and import the "meetup" module. Add the PDF module folder to the meetup module. Eclipse: 'play eclipsify'

run developer mode: 'play run'

build war file for test or production: 'play dependencies --sync' 'play war --zip -o ../play --%prod'

upload to test (requires login): 'scp play.war' 'ssh -t "sudo zlogin zone1 svcadm restart cswjetty6:play"'