javaoffers / briefest

Brief's core Object/Relational Mapping functionality. SQL must be easy, business can be complex
Apache License 2.0
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brief jdbc join mysql orm spring-boot

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brief Is a high-performance, lightweight, easy to use, zero configuration orm framework. Let complex SQL disappear, development efficiency maximization and less amount of code and sustainable higher readability and maintainability. This is the reason for the existence of the brief. briefTake you to experience unprecedented silky.


Simplify the development. To write SQL like writing Java code. Here we call JQL. And form a set of JQL API process to reduce the SQL error rate. JQL aimed at the complex SQL is decomposed into simple SQL, this is the core of the development brief. brief Support for multiple table joins and does not require any mapping configuration. brief Support the new writing style.在Mapper The default method can directly manipulate JQL API(The premise is extends BriefMapper)。 Integrates the function of brief, can directly use the API. Let me written in Java streams JQL, improve the development efficiency. Less code and more smooth writing. The performance is twice that of mybatis.

Lightweight machine version

brief-speedier Can be used alone. Do not rely on any environment.

Enhance mybatis

The brief-mybatis is mybatis increased, let mybatis has brief ability. So brief-mybatis is fully compatible with mybatis. If your project is used in the mybatis so you can directly introduced brief-mybatis dependence. Do change, enhance not only introduce it won't affect the existing engineering, silky smooth. Without any configuration. Just need to let your Mapper class inheritance BriefMapper can be used in the feature.


Later will support,supportspring-boot. If your spring - the boot project cited mybatis framework, Then you only need to introduce brief-mybatis to mybatis can be enhanced..

Function is introduced

Based on using

Query operation

Before we see operation, we first look at the data structure: there are two key annotation. @BaseModelUsed to represent the class belongs to the Model classes (class name is the same as the table name, the Model will Help the camel class name converted to underline the name of the table, attribute the same), @BaseUniqueIndicates the only class attributes (corresponding to A unique attribute in A table, when the primary key used in the table that can be more). We will be in the final detailed explanation of the use of annotations. The following is the basic use

public class User {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private String birthday;

    private Work work;

    private IsDel isDel;

    private Version version;  

    @CaseWhen(whens = {
            @CaseWhen.When(when = "money < 10", then = "'pool'"),
            @CaseWhen.When(when = "money > 10000", then = "'rich'")},
            elseEnd = @CaseWhen.Else("'civilian'")
    private String moneyDes;    

    private ExtraInfo extraInfo; //json column

    private List<UserOrder> orders; //Multi-table association zero configuration

    // .... getter setter

public class UserOrder {

    private int id;
    private String orderName;
    private String orderMoney;

    //getter, setter  methods  

//json column. Just implement the Json Column interface.
public class ExtraInfo implements JsonColumn {
    private String nickName;
    private Integer age;

    public String getNickName() {
        return nickName;

    public void setNickName(String nickName) {
        this.nickName = nickName;

    public Integer getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(Integer age) {
        this.age = age;

A full table query

 List<User>  users = crudUserMapper 

The JQL will eventually be translated into the select id, name, XXX.. From the user. Query all the table fields colall mean here. If you want to query the specified fields, such as your name and birthday field, can do it:

The query specified table fields
 List<User> users = crudusermapper
                    .col (user:: getbirthday)
                    .col (user:: getname)
The query specified conditions

By col() specifies fields to query. Here's where the where keyword in the () and SQL is the same. Such as to query a user id value is 1, you can write like this:

 User user = crudusermapper
             .eq(User::getId, 1) 
Paging query
 int pageNum = 1;
 int pageSize = 10;
 List<User> users = crudusermapper
                    .col (user:: getbirthday)
                    .col (user:: getname)
                    .limitPage(1, 10)//  1: the first page, query 10 data
Statistical query
List<User> users = this.crudUserMapper
                       .oeq(User::getId, UserTeacher::getId)
                       .col(AggTag.MAX, Teacher::getName)
                       .oeq(UserTeacher::getTeacherId, Teacher::getId)
                       .gt(User::getId, 0)
                       .gt(AggTag.MAX, User::getId, 0)
                       .gt(AggTag.MAX, UserTeacher::getId, 0)
                       .gt(AggTag.MAX, Teacher::getId, 0)

You will find that there are two special function of exs(), the ex() these two functions on behalf of the trigger. Exs() is usually used to query more data, and returns the result to the list, while the ex T () is used to return a result; JQL must pass to trigger the where and the ex/exs. Most work situations, WHERE behind will add filter conditions, in addition to the special all table data statistics, this design also is very good remind you remember to fill in the WHERE condition, of course, if you don't need to add any WHERE conditions for all table data in the query, you can use the WHERE() the ex(), WHERE() exs()

The insert

Id exOne = crudUserMapper
                .col(User::getBirthday, new Date())
                .col(User::getName, "Jom")

A simple insert statement, returns a wrapper class Id, are usually the primary key of the newly inserted data. An insert it's as simple as that. There's a more simple way to insert the data. Insert the object. And support multiple. The formation logic for batch is optimized. For example, the following case

        User user = User.builder().name("Jom1").birthday(date).build();

        List<Id> ex = crudUserMapper

We can insert the whole model object, said to query all of the fields, for batch layer. Performance is very good.

The update operation

Allows you to update the Null update npdate Null Null, are not allowed to update the Null values, there is update or insert, optimistic locking version update, batch updates, Please see the following case

                 .col(User::getBirthday, new Date())
                 //The name does not update. Because of its npdate Null
                 .eq(User::getId, id)

                 .col(User::getBirthday, new Date())
                 //The name will be updated. Because it is the update of the Null
                 .eq(User::getId, id)






Through the above case, we can very good control in the business field of updates.

Delete operation

briefSupport rich delete functions. At the same time also delete support logic. Use logic to delete need use IsDel/RowStatus in the User enumeration.

               .eq(User::getId, id)
               .eq(User::getName, 'xxx')

Support the default write JQL/SQL Mapper interfaces

A new kind of coding style. We can in Mapper Write the default method in the interface. Used for centralized management JQL/SQL. Prevent project in JQL/SQL are everywhere. For example, the following case (we recommend this kind of style).

public interface CrudUserMapper extends BriefMapper<User> {

    default User queryUserById(Number id){
        return select()
                .eq(User::getId, id)


When we interface inheritance BriefMapper , We can write our JQL logic by default。

Multi-table join

The commonly used API JQL provides rich. For example, > =, =, and in between, like, like Left, like Right, exists, and so on. There is also a combination unite, mainly is the combined into a multiple conditions, such as xx or xx (xx > xx) for a two associated conditions. At the same time we let you write native SQL entry, such as col (SQL), cond SQL (SQL), although we usually don't recommend to use native SQL. Because as far as possible do not use SQL for complex logical processing, such as capture some string. Or etc, these actions suggested in the business layer. Start with a simple join JQL case: write JQL recommended in the interface class

public interface CrudUserMapper extends BriefMapper<User> {

    default List<User> queryAllAndOrder(){
        return   select()
use left join , group by , limitPage
                .col(AggTag.MAX, User::getName)
                .col(AggTag.MAX, UserOrder::getOrderName)
                //OXX The beginning indicates the relationship between two tables
                .oeq(User::getId, UserOrder::getUserId)
                //Group by main table
                .groupBy(User::getName, User::getId)
                //Group according to sub-table

Generic API

I enclosed some of the commonly used functions, use rise very simple. And the code is very concise and clear. For example, by id query or change.

Commonly used API just call the general () method can be used. Such as through the id data

//query by id
User user = crudUserMapper.general().queryById(id);

Save the API, to save an object to the database

 User user = User.builder().name("general").build();
 long saveId = crudUserMapper.general().save(user);

By id delete specified data


Commonly used simple API is as follows

         * save model
         * @param model class
         * @return primary key id
        public Id save(T model);

         * save or modify.
         * sql :  insert into on duplicate key update
         * @param model class
         * @return  primary key id. or modify count num. so return void
        public void saveOrModify(T model);

         * save or update.
         * By the @UniqueId field to query data, if the query not null then to update, or to insert.
         * @param model class
         * @return  primary key id. or modify count num. so return void
        public void saveOrUpdate(T model);

         * save or replace
         * sql: replace into
         * @param model class
         * @return   primary key id. or modify count num. so return void
        public void saveOrReplace(T model);

         * save model
         * @param models class
         * @return primary key ids
        public List<Id> saveBatch(Collection<T> models);

         * save or modify.
         * sql :  insert into on duplicate key update
         * @param models class
         * @return primary key id. or modify count num. so return void
        public void saveOrModify(Collection<T> models);

         * save or update.
         * By the @UniqueId field to query data, if the query not null then to update, or to insert.
         * @param models class
         * @return  primary key id. or modify count num. so return void
        public void saveOrUpdate(Collection<T> models);

         * save or replace
         * sql: replace into
         * @param models class
         * @return primary key id. or modify count num. so return void
        public void saveOrReplace(Collection<T> models);

         * delete model.Where conditions will be generated based on properties of the model
         * class for which there is a value.
         * Note that this is a physical deletion
         * @param model
        public int remove(T model);

         * delete model by id
         * Note that this is a physical deletion
        public int removeById(Serializable id );

         * delete model by ids
         * Note that this is a physical deletion
        public int removeByIds(Serializable... ids );

         * delete model by ids
         * Note that this is a physical deletion
        public <ID extends Serializable> int removeByIds(Collection<ID> ids);

         * logic delete model.Where conditions will be generated based on properties of the model
         * class for which there is a value.
         * {@link IsDel}
         * {@link RowStatus}
         * @param model
        public int logicRemove(T model);

         * logic delete model by id
         * {@link IsDel}
         * {@link RowStatus}
        public int logicRemoveById(Serializable id );

         * logic delete model by ids
         * {@link IsDel}
         * {@link RowStatus}
        public int logicRemoveByIds(Serializable... ids );

         * logic delete model by ids
         * {@link IsDel}
         * {@link RowStatus}
        public <ID extends Serializable> int logicRemoveByIds(Collection<ID> ids);

         * Update the model, note that the update condition is the property marked with the Unique annotation.
         * Only properties with values ​​are updated.
         * In other words, the @BaseUnique annotation will generate a Where condition, and other non-null properties will
         * generate a set statement.
         * 支持版本更新
         * @param model model
         * @return The number of bars affected by the update
        public int modifyById(T model);

         * Update the model, note that the update condition is the property marked with the Unique annotation.
         * Only properties with values ​​are updated.
         * In other words, the @BaseUnique annotation will generate a Where condition, and the field will
         * generate a set statement
         * @param model model
         * @return The number of bars affected by the update
        public int updateById(T model);

         * batch update. Empty fields will not be able to update the database.
         * @param models models
         * @return Affect the number of bars
        public int modifyBatchById(Collection<T> models);

         * batch update ,Will update the database if the field is empty.
         * @param models models
         * @return Affect the number of bars
        public int updateBatchById(Collection<T> models);

         * Support version update.
         * Update the model, note that the update condition is the property marked with the Unique annotation.
         * Only properties with values ​​are updated.
         * In other words, the @BaseUnique annotation will generate a Where condition, and other non-null properties will
         * generate a set statement.
         * @param model model
         * @return The number of bars affected by the update
        public int vsModifyById(T model);

         * Support version update.
         * Update the model, note that the update condition is the property marked with the Unique annotation.
         * Only properties with values ​​are updated.
         * In other words, the @BaseUnique annotation will generate a Where condition, and the field will
         * generate a set statement
         * @param model model
         * @return The number of bars affected by the update
        public int vsUpdateById(T model);

         * Support version update.
         * batch update. Empty fields will not be able to update the database.
         * @param models models
         * @return Affect the number of bars
        public int vsModifyByIds(Collection<T> models);

         * Support version update.
         * batch update ,Will update the database if the field is empty.
         * @param models models
         * @return Affect the number of bars
        public int vsUpdateByIds(Collection<T> models);

         * Query the main model, be careful not to include child models. Non-null properties will generate a where statement.
         * <>Note that properties such as Collection<Model> will be ignored, even if they are not null </>
         * @param model model
         * @return return query result
        public List<T> query(T model);

         * Query the main model, be careful not to include child models. Non-null properties will generate a where statement.
         * <>Note that properties such as Collection<Model> will be ignored, even if they are not null </>
         * @param model model
         * @param pageNum page number
         * @param pageSize Number of bars displayed per page
         * @return return query result
        public List<T> query(T model,int pageNum,int pageSize);

         * Paging query full table data
         * @param pageNum page number, If the parameter is less than 1, it defaults to 1
         * @param pageSize Number of bars displayed per page, If the parameter is less than 1, it defaults to 10
         * @return return query result
        public List<T> query(int pageNum,int pageSize);

         * query by id
         * @param id primary key id
         * @return model
        public T queryById(Serializable id);

         * query by id
         * @param ids primary key id
         * @return model
        public List<T> queryByIds(Serializable... ids);

         * query by id
         * @param ids primary key id
         * @return model
        public <ID extends Serializable>  List<T> queryByIds(Collection<ID> ids);

         * query by id
         * @param ids primary key id
         * @return model
        public <ID extends Serializable> List<T> queryByIds(List<ID> ids);

         * query by id
         * @param ids primary key id
         * @return model
        public <ID extends Serializable> List<T> queryByIds(Set<ID> ids);

         * Map<String,Object>. String: Field names of the table. The value corresponding to the Object field
         * @param param Parameters. key database field name, value field value
         * @return model
        public List<T> queryByParam(Map<String,Object> param);

         * Map<String,Object>. String: Field names of the table. The value corresponding to the Object field
         * @param param Parameters. key database field name, value field value
         * @param pageNum page number
         * @param pageSize Number of bars displayed per page
         * @return model
        public List<T> queryByParam(Map<String,Object> param,int pageNum,int pageSize);

         * The number of statistical tables
         * @return not null
        public Number count();

         * The number of statistical tables, through the specified field
         * @return not null
        public Number count(C c);

         * The number of statistical tables, through the specified field
         * Statistical results after deduplication. count(DISTINCT c)
         * @return not null
        public Number countDistinct(C c);

         * The number of statistical tables.  Will use the model as the where condition
         * @return not null
        public Number count(T model);

         * The number of statistical tables, through the specified field.
         * Will use the model as the where condition
         * @return not null
        public Number count(C c,T model);

         * The number of statistical tables, through the specified field
         * Statistical results after deduplication. count(DISTINCT c).
         * Will use the model as the where condition
         * @return not null
        public Number countDistinct(C c,T model);

SQL function annotation

We can pass on the field of class use annotations to use SQL functions. Here are some use cases:

public class FunAnnoParserSample {
    private String colName1; //LEFT(name,10)

    @Concat( {"age"})
    private String colName2; //CONCAT(LEFT(name,10),age)

    @Concat( {"age"})
    private String colName3;//CONCAT(LEFT(colName3,10),age)

    @Concat( {"age"})
    private String colName4;//CONCAT(LEFT(NOW(),10),age)

    @Concat( {"age"})
    private String colName5;//CONCAT(colName5,age)

    private String colName6;//LEFT(CONCAT(NOW(),age),10)

    private String colName7;//LEFT(CONCAT(colName7,age),10)

    private String colName8;//LEFT(NOW(),10)

    private String colName9;//RAND()

    private String colName10;//java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: @ColName and @RAND cannot be used together

    private String colName11;//IFNULL(name,'Amop')

    @ColName("sex = 1")
    @If(ep1 = "'boy'",ep2 = "'girl'")
    private String colName12;//IF(sex = 1,'boy','girl')

     * select if(1,'1','0') output 1
     * select if(0,'1','0') output 0
    @If(ep1 = "'boy'", ep2 = "'girl'")
    private String colName13;// IF(IFNULL(sex,1),'boy','girl')

    @IfEq(eq = "1",ep1 = "'boy'", ep2 = "'girl'")
    private String colName14; //IF(sex = 1,'boy','girl')

    private String colName15; // IF(money is not null ,'rich',null)

    @IfNotNull(value = "'rich'",ifNull = "'poor'")
    private String colName16; //IF(money is not null ,'rich','poor')

    @IfNotNull(value = "'rich'",ifNull = "'poor'")
    @IfEq(eq = "'rich'",ep1 = "'i want to marry him'", ep2 = "'i want to break up with him'")
    private String colName17; //IF(IF(money is not null ,'rich','poor') = 'rich','i want to marry him','i want to break up with him')

    @IfGt(gt = "100000",ep1 = "'rich'", ep2 = "'poor'")
    @IfEq(eq = "'rich'",ep1 = "'i want to marry him'", ep2 = "'i want to break up with him'")
    private String colName18; //IF(IF(money > 100000,'rich','poor') = 'rich','i want to marry him','i want to break up with him')

    private String colName19; //TRIM(name)

    @Concat(value = "'hello'", position = -1)
    private String colName20;//CONCAT('hello',name)

    @Concat(value = "'hello'", position = 1)
    private String colName21; //CONCAT('hello',name)

    @Concat(value = {"'hello'"," 'how are you?' "}, position = 1)
    private String colName22;//  CONCAT('hello',name, 'how are you?' )

    private String colName23;//GROUP_CONCAT( name )

    @GroupConcat(distinct = true)
    private String colName24;//GROUP_CONCAT( distinct name )

    @GroupConcat(distinct = true, orderBy = @GroupConcat.OrderBy(colName = "age",sort = GroupConcat.Sort.ASC) )
    private String colName25;//GROUP_CONCAT( distinct name  order by age ASC)

    @GroupConcat(distinct = true, orderBy = @GroupConcat.OrderBy(colName = "age",sort = GroupConcat.Sort.DESC) ,separator = "-")
    private String colName26;//GROUP_CONCAT( distinct name  order by age DESC separator '-')

    @GroupConcat(distinct = true, orderBy = @GroupConcat.OrderBy(colName = "age",sort = GroupConcat.Sort.DESC) ,separator = "-")
    private String colName27;//GROUP_CONCAT( distinct CONCAT(name,age)  order by age DESC separator '-')

    @CaseWhen(whens = {
            @CaseWhen.When(when = "score > 80", then = "'Grand'"),
            @CaseWhen.When(when = "score < 80 and score > 50", then = "'General'"),
            @CaseWhen.When(when = "score < 50 and score > 10", then = "'noGood'"),
    }, elseEnd = @CaseWhen.Else("'VeryBad'"))
    private String scoreDescription;


Automatic type conversion

Built a large number of commonly used types of converters. Such as database field birthday is a datetime/int, Number/varchar and enumeration class conversion between. Enumeration classes usually and @ Enum Value are used together, identifies the enumeration class the only attribute, the attribute and the fields in the table automatically.


The interceptor pattern

SQL and parameters before the real execution will be interceptor intercepts. Can the interceptor defined in their secondary processing. Custom interceptors is very simple, you only need to implement the interface JqlInterceptor,And then perform InterceptorLoader.init() Initialize your interceptor.

 LogInterceptor logInterceptor = new LogInterceptor();
//spring environment. Bean objects will be automatically assembled
public class LogInterceptor implements JqlInterceptor {
    public void handler(BaseSQLInfo baseSQLInfo) {
        System.out.println("LogInterceptor: SQL :  "+ baseSQLInfo.getSql());
        System.out.println("LogInterceptor: Param: " +baseSQLInfo.getParams());

Support automatic encryption and decryption

When we need to add some fields in a database table. Mybatis JQL provides a simple configuration can be done; We only need to specify a key (length is 32 hexadecimal). And then specify tables and the fields in the table. "FFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAFFFFFAFAFAFA" we specify a private key to encrypt the num encryption. In table encrypt data configuration is as follows:

Encryption and decryption module is designed as an independent module. Using this feature service, you need to add the MVN references. The following

     * Configure the tables and fields that need to be decrypted.
     * the key Is the length of 32 hexadecimal;
    @AesEncryptConfig(key = "FFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAFFFFFAFAFAFA", encryptTableColumns = {
            @EncryptTableColumns(tableName = "encrypt_data", columns = {"encrypt_num"})
    static class EncryptConfig{ }
    EncryptData encryptData = new EncryptData();
    String encryptNum = "1234567890";
     //The data stored in the db is after encryption 396195EAF65E740AEC39E6FFF0714542
    Id id = this.crudEncryptDataMapper.general().save(encryptData);
    //The query will automatically declassified
    encryptDatas = this.crudEncryptDataMapper.general().queryByIds(id); 
    print(encryptDatas); //[{"id":10,"encryptNum":"1234567890"}]
    //Query, query is specified directly inscriptions. Inscriptions will convert ciphertext and at the bottom of the query
    EncryptData ex =
    .where().eq(EncryptData::getEncryptNum, encryptNum).ex();

Field desensitization

Support field desensitization. Only need a model class with @ Email can Blur annotations can be class. Note by plus annotation fields must be a String type.

   private String email; // encrypted data is 12***

Code contributions are welcome

This project has used internally. Greatly improves the development efficiency and code cleanliness. If you feel good, please point a little encouragement