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Modern JavaScript Tutorial in Arabic
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Arabic Translation Progress #1

Open iliakan opened 4 years ago

iliakan commented 4 years ago

Maintainer List

@alahnomi, @Jamil-Bailony, @3imed-jaberi, @atefBB, @afilahkle

For New Translators

Please read this first (click to open)

To translate an article: 1. Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below. 2. Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript`. - Please take only one article at a time. 3. Fork this repo, translate the article in your fork and submit a pull request! - The pull request title should be same as the article, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript` (just like comment) Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit any more, let maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

Click to open

We recommend that a translation has 2 reviews to be merged. Please let others know what you do, on community boards and chats, invite them to join. Translations become better if more people see them. Translations are tracked below, like this: * [ ] [Home Page](url) (@iliakan) #1 Our helpful bot watches comments and adds the translator nick and PR id, marks completed, when PR is merged. You can read the details at . If something doesn't work right, please contact @iliakan.

Team translation

More details about team translation:

Only maintainers can check/uncheck items below. If you're not, please write in a comment what you take to translate, the title, exactly as in the list.

The JavaScript language

An introduction

JavaScript Fundamentals

Code quality

Objects: the basics

Data types

Advanced working with functions

Object properties configuration

Prototypes, inheritance


Error handling

Promises, async/await

Generators, advanced iteration



Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces


Introduction to Events

UI Events

Forms, controls

Document and resource loading


Frames and windows

Binary data, files

Network requests

Storing data in the browser


Web components

Regular expressions

Jamil-Bailony commented 4 years ago

The JavaScript language We, my team at Academy Hsoub, are working on translating the first book, which is "The JavaScript language". We have finished the first three chapters until now: An introduction, JavaScript Fundamentals, and Code quality. We are working right now on the "Objects: the basics" and "Data types" chapters.

I would like to be a maintainer, please. @iliakan

iliakan commented 4 years ago

Welcome, @Jamil-Bailony !

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@Jamil-Bailony did you try to submit a comment with "An Introduction to JavaScript"?

The bot will mark it then. If the bot isn't working, I'll fix it.

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@Jamil-Bailony Did you merge in the translation? I see the articles are checked, but can't find the text.

Jamil-Bailony commented 4 years ago

Did you merge in the translation? I see the articles are checked, but can't find the text.

Not yet. The translations are in my Drive account. I will work on merging them as soon as possible.

did you try to submit a comment with "An Introduction to JavaScript"?

Yes, I had added a comment as mentioned above but nothing happened, so I deleted it. @iliakan

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@Jamil-Bailony ok, next time don't remove the comment please, if the bot doesn't work, I'll fix it =)

musaab-abdalla commented 4 years ago

Hello @iliakan I would like to join the Arabic translation team, please add me so I can start do some translation process.

iliakan commented 4 years ago

You can submit PR right now, there's no need to become a maintainer for that =). See the top of this issue.

If your PRs are good, we'll add you as a maintainer.

HNBR commented 4 years ago

Debugging in Chrome

Emmanuel-Melon commented 4 years ago

Hey there, I'd love to take part in translating this awesome project. Can I take on the Objects article?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@alahnomi, @Jamil-Bailony , are you online?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

If you have enough JS knowledge, I can make you a contributor.

LeOndaz commented 4 years ago

Ninja code

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

Hello World <3 I can give help with this amazing website As I'm the founder of Angular Army 'Ng Arab' I can help with my team for the whole translation Just let me know what's done and what's not and how many developers we need

iliakan commented 4 years ago

Hi @OmarioHasan,

Guess, you can take a look at the existing PRs and this repo to see what's done =)

The tutorial is big, so there's a lot to translate, because modern JS has a lot of features =)

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan I've already taken a look but didn't find any Arabic words in this PRs

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan this isn't Arabic?

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan yes sure didn't this translation merged yet?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan I don't see much activity in Arabic.

You want to take it over?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@alahnomi, @Jamil-Bailony is there anything you've fully translated?

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan I don't see much activity in Arabic.

You want to take it over?

I just need to help because this website is very valuable Any kind of help that I can support then I'm in

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan Do you think Arabic version is needed? I'm not familiar with the state of the web development in Arabic countries.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan You are right we have a weakness in many points but the current generation may change this weakness. here you can find Ng Arab Community: It's my first step to help Arabian developers. If you need to fill this branch with Arabic words I can support you and thanks for your efforts for spreading the knowledge Regards

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan I'm helping to translate the tutorial in languages that are much less popular than Arabic.

So what we can do is to take the current English version and translate it, and maybe make use of the existing PR.

@OmarioHasan May I assume that you're familiar with git?

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan yes sure

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan All right, it's done! You're the contributor now (got an invite?)

I also updated the repo from upstream.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan got it thanks I assume we will translate all topics I mean there is no pending on in progress translate for any topic is that right

iliakan commented 4 years ago

I only see one PR.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

Our heroes listed here When the team is ready, we will start right away

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan what stops them now?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan did you read the issue top?

There are some details about the translation bot there. It helps to facilitate team translation.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan We will make a slack to discuss what we will do If you need to join and say something to the team it will be fine

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan yes I've read the full details is there something I need to know other ?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan is there anything else I can do here?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan everything's set up for the translation.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan is there anything else I can do here?

No thank you

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan Hello I've a question about the direction It must be RTL in Arabic Is there a something we can make now during the translation to help the direction or just let it for now ?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan Can you install the tutorial server locally? And see how it goes

iliakan commented 4 years ago

I can apply necessary fixed to styles, if any required.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan I used the server already but just asking about if we can fix the style or not And can we fix it now or after translation complete. That was a starter lesson for Ng Arab community to start contribute to :

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan of course we can update the styles, please fix them as appropriate and submit a PR. Just mark what's ltr-only and maybe(if any) Arabic-only. I'll introduce an additional variable to support that.

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

I think if i make a changes for this file body.styl it will affect the whole project image That's what i need to do for the view so it will be kind of you if you can guide me to steps for AR style image

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan can we have a direct chat better than commenting to make sure all the process the working well with us

iliakan commented 4 years ago

@OmarioHasan We can, but I'm not a specialist in RTL-sites. All I did was LTR.

I hope there's a way to properly fix styles =)

iliakan commented 4 years ago

By the way, you can apply styles for Arabic-only with if.

Like here for Japanese:

if lang=='ja'
  font = BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN","メイリオ", serif
  font = BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, Segoe UI, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, serif
OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

this styles to include inside .styl extension is that right ?

iliakan commented 4 years ago


iliakan commented 4 years ago

Stylus preprocessor

OmarioHassan commented 4 years ago

@iliakan Sorry for too much asking but i think this is not working is there a something related to locales missed for AR Version ? image

also i found i file can we use this file for all Arabic Styles ?

iliakan commented 4 years ago

Well, rtl.styl was created for Fahrsi language (also rtl), we can use for ar also, of course!

Is it ok that the sidebar remains on the left in Arabic?