javier-HEG / PECI

A simplified interface for non-superadmin LimeSurvey users.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PECI steps rules #20

Closed javier-HEG closed 11 years ago

javier-HEG commented 12 years ago

When the user clicks on Create new (survey), an empty survey should be created. It could be given a default title and remain empty. The rules for the steps are as follows:

  1. If the survey is empty (no groups, no questions), then show the 1st PECI step.
  2. If the survey is empty, the 2nd step should be enabled but never automatically chosen.
  3. Should the survey already have a couple of questions, show the 3rd PECI step.
    • This questions could have been imported from the template in the 2nd PECI step or on a previous session at the 3rd step.
  4. If the survey is inactive, then the 4th step should be enabled, but not automatically chose.
  5. Once the survey is active, then the final steps should be enabled and the 4th shown automatically.