javier-HEG / PECI

A simplified interface for non-superadmin LimeSurvey users.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Copyright: (C) 2012, HEG - Haute École de Gestion de Genève Author: Javier Belmonte javier.belmonte@hesge.ch License: GNU/GPL v3.0 or later Credits: Icons used from the Silk Icon Set under Creative Commons Attributtion 3.0 License found here: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/

This package implements an simplified intermediary interface to LimeSurvey.

LimeSurvey offers two main interfaces:

  1. The interface for registered users, where surveys/groups/etc. are created.
  2. The interface for surveyed users, where the only possibility is the participation in the survey.

Our intermediary interface is a third one which will be available for registered users not having "SuperAdministrator" rights.


  1. Install LimeSurvey v1.91+ (Rev. 12170 from their SVN SourceForge repository) https://limesurvey.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/limesurvey/source/limesurvey
  2. Copy the "user" folder and its contents inside the LimeSurvey main folder, next to the "admin" folder.
  3. Apply the patches in the "patches" folder.