Drinx Project
This project is a cocktail library disguised as a social media platform, where users can share, discover, and interact with cocktail recipes. The application is built using PHP and follows the MVC + Repository design pattern.
Folder Structure:
- /app/controllers/: Handles HTTP requests and routes.
- /app/models/: Represents database entities like users, cocktails, and badges.
- /app/services/: Contains business logic.
- /app/repositories/: Data access layer, abstracts database operations.
- /app/views/: HTML and PHP views for the user interface.
- /app/config/: Configuration files for database, environment variables, etc.
- /app/database/: SQL scripts for database schema and data population.
- /app/helpers/: Utility functions and constants.
- /app/uploads/: Stores user-uploaded files like images.