Custom plugin repository
Edit your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
to look like this
main.custom_plugin_repos = [
Then run this command: sudo pwnagotchi plugins update
Warning: This might not work with bt-tether enabled.
Run the following command to install BtS
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install bluetoothsniffer
Add the following lines to your /etc/pwnagotchi.config.toml
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.enabled = true
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.timer = 45 # On how may seconds to scan for bluetooth devices
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.devices_file = "/root/handshakes/bluetooth_devices.json" # Path to the JSON file with bluetooth devices
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.count_interval = 86400 # On how may seconds to update count bluetooth devices
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.bt_x_coord = 160
main.plugins.bluetoothsniffer.bt_y_coord = 66
Run the following command to install Internet-Connection
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install internet-connection
Add the following line to your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.internet-connection.enabled = true
Run the following command to install Memtemp-Plus
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install memtemp-plus
Add the following lines to your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.enabled = true
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.scale = "celsius" # options are celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.orientation = "vertical" # options are vertical or horizontal
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.fields = ["mem,cpu,temp,freq"] # you can change order
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.position = "200,70"
main.plugins.memtemp-plus.linespacing = 12
Run the following command to install Show_Pwd
sudo pwnagotchi plugins install show_pwd
Add the following lines to your /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.show_pwd.enabled = true
main.plugins.show_pwd.orientation = "horizontal" # options are horizontal or vertical
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.enabled = true = ''
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.port = 2947
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.device = '/dev/ttyS0' #<--- change to your device
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.baud = 9600 #<--- change to fit yuor device
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.fields = ['fix','lat','lon','alt','spd'] #<-- Any order or amount, you can also use custom values from POLL.TPV; on gpsd documents (
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.speedUnit = 'kph' #or 'mph' or 'ms' #(m/s)
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.distanceUnit = 'm' #or 'ft'
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.bettercap = true #<--- report to bettercap
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.topleft_x = 130
main.plugins.gpsdeasy.topleft_y = 47 = true #<--- auto setup systemd service for gpsd. use false if using custom service and you know what you are doing.