Tom's website is to help him get a cool new website to promote the talented musician Tom Hagerman.
the node server is running until we make a switch to LAMP later
I installed pm2 ( to keep the server running.
You can check status of the server with:
pm2 list
If they aren't running for any reason, they can quickly be started:
pm2 delete all
cd /var/www/brownFox/staging
pm2 start http-server --name staging -- -p 8080
cd /var/www/brownFox/production
pm2 start http-server --name production -- -p 8081
All pm2 processes—like our server—can be restarted:
pm2 restart all
Or killed:
pm2 delete all
visit to see the latest staging deploy
visit to see the latest production deploy
cd ~/site/brownFox
git status
git checkout staging
git pull
git checkout -b {replace this with your username}/{name of new branch}
git add .
git commit -am '{put a simle message about what you changed here}'
git push origin {your username}/{name of branch}
Once you've pushed a branch to Github, you need to submit a pull request and assign it to @jayseeg.
Visit, & navigate to our repo if you're not already there.
Click New Pull Request.
Make sure the base select box has 'staging' selected.
Make sure the compare select box has your new branch selected.
Click Create Pull Request.
Assign the Pull Request to @jayseeg.