jayy-lmao / clean-architecture-buckpal-rust

The example from "Get Your Hands Dirty With Clean Architecture" but in Rust because honestly why not
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Buckpal - Hex Architecture

Hex Architecture

src: reflectoring.io

What is this?

This is an attempt at writing the example from Get Your Hands Dirty On Clean Architecture. The original examples in the book are in Java, but are here in Rust. Interfaces are replaced with traits, and most dependencies are injected. The exception is where I experimented with Lazy Static for the database. Completed:


Will I do these? Who knows!

Running it

You will need:

  1. Rust
  2. Sqlite3

To run:

  1. ./init_db.sh to copy from init.sql into test.db
  2. cargo run to run rust server

Then you can check out the completed endpoints:e.g. GET localhost:8080/accounts/2/balance or POST localhost:8080/accounts/send/1/2/300 There are only accounts of id 1,2,3 -- but you can modify this in the init.sql

The design

├── account
│   ├── adapter
│   │   ├── incoming
│   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   ├── outgoing
│   │   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   │   └── persistence.rs
│   │   ├── persistence
│   │   │   ├── account_persistence_adapter.rs
│   │   │   ├── entities.rs
│   │   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   │   └── repositories.rs
│   │   └── web
│   │       ├── account_controller.rs
│   │       ├── mod.rs
│   │       └── send_money_controller.rs
│   ├── application
│   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   ├── port
│   │   │   ├── incoming
│   │   │   │   ├── get_account_balance_query.rs
│   │   │   │   ├── load_account_query.rs
│   │   │   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   │   │   ├── send_money_command.rs
│   │   │   │   └── send_money_use_case.rs
│   │   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   │   └── outgoing
│   │   │       ├── load_account_port.rs
│   │   │       ├── mod.rs
│   │   │       └── update_account_state_port.rs
│   │   └── service
│   │       ├── get_account_balance_service.rs
│   │       ├── mod.rs
│   │       └── send_money_service.rs
│   ├── domain
│   │   ├── account.rs
│   │   ├── account_id.rs
│   │   ├── activity.rs
│   │   ├── activity_window.rs
│   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   └── money.rs
│   └── mod.rs
└── main.rs