jazzband / Watson

:watch: A wonderful CLI to track your time!
MIT License
2.44k stars 239 forks source link
command-line-app python timetracker

.. image:: https://tailordev.github.io/Watson/img/logo-watson-600px.png

|Build Status| |PyPI Latest Version| |Requires.io|

Watson is here to help you manage your time. You want to know how much time you are spending on your projects? You want to generate a nice report for your client? Watson is here for you.

Wanna know what it looks like? Check this below.

|Watson screenshot|_

Nice isn't it?

Quick start


On OS X, the easiest way to install **watson** is using `Homebrew <http://brew.sh/>`_:

.. code:: bash

  $ brew update && brew install watson

On other platforms, install **watson** using pip or pip3, depending on which one is available:

.. code:: bash

  $ pip install td-watson


.. code:: bash

  $ pip3 install td-watson

If you need more details about installing watson, please refer to the `documentation <https://tailordev.github.io/Watson>`_.


Start tracking your activity via:

.. code:: bash

$ watson start world-domination +cats

With this command, you have started a new frame for the world-domination project with the cats tag. That's it.

Now stop tracking you world domination plan via:

.. code:: bash

$ watson stop Project world-domination [cats] started 8 minutes ago (2016.01.27 13:00:28+0100)

You can log your latest working sessions (aka frames) thanks to the log command:

.. code:: bash

$ watson log Tuesday 26 January 2016 (8m 32s) ffb2a4c 13:00 to 13:08 08m 32s world-domination [cats]

Please note that, as the report command <https://tailordev.github.io/Watson/user-guide/commands/#report>_, the log command comes with projects, tags and dates filtering.

To list all available commands, either read the documentation <https://tailordev.github.io/Watson>_ or use:

.. code:: bash

$ watson help

Contributor Code of Conduct

If you want to contribute to this project, please read the project Contributor Code of Conduct <https://tailordev.github.io/Watson/contributing/coc/>_


Watson is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.

.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/TailorDev/Watson.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/TailorDev/Watson .. |PyPI Latest Version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/td-watson.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/td-watson .. |Requires.io| image:: https://requires.io/github/TailorDev/Watson/requirements.svg?branch=master :target: https://requires.io/github/TailorDev/Watson/requirements/?branch=master :alt: Requirements Status .. |Watson screenshot| image:: https://tailordev.github.io/Watson/img/watson-demo.gif .. _Watson screenshot: https://asciinema.org/a/35918