jbennett / noticed-web_push

WebPush deliver method for Noticed
MIT License
19 stars 0 forks source link


🎉 Web Push Notifications for your Ruby on Rails app.

🎬 Screencast

🚀 Installation

Run the following commands to add Noticed-WebPush to your Gemfile and install the engine.

bundle add noticed-web_push --github jbennett/noticed-web_push

rails g noticed:web_push:install
rails noticed_web_push:install:migrations
rails db:migrate

Generate and save encryption keys. Do this for all your environments.

rails g noticed:web_push:vapid_keys
rails credentials:edit

📝 Usage

Add the web_push delivery method to your existing notifications

class NewPostNotification < Noticed::Base
  deliver_by :database
  deliver_by :web_push, data_method: :web_push_data

  param :post

  def post

  def web_push_data
      title: "New post: #{post.title}",
      body: post.content.truncate(40),
      url: post_url(post),

How it works

add details about service_worker paths etc and how the manifest etc are special


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.