=head1 NAME
Test::Mojo::Role::Phantom - Adds phantom_ok to Test::Mojo
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Test::More; use Test::Mojo::WithRoles qw/Phantom/;
any '/' => 'index';
my $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new;
$t->phantom_ok('/' => <<'JS'); var text = page.evaluate(function(){ return document.getElementById('name').innerHTML; }); perl.is(text, 'Bender', 'name changed after loading'); JS
@@ index.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
The author recommends using L
=head1 WARNING
The upstream phantom.js has been retired in favor of headless chrome.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 phantom_ok
$t = $t->phantom_ok(@url_for, $js, \%opts)
The arguments are as follows
=head3 url specification
=head3 javascript
The javascript string will be executed once the phantom object has loaded the page in question. At this point, it will have access to all the symbols of a typical phantom process as well as
=item page
The page object.
=item status
The page request status, should be C
=item perl
A function which takes the name of a perl function and arguments for that function. The function name and the arguments are serialized as JSON and then executed on the perl side.
If the function dies (or is L
Since it would be prohibitively expensive to start up a new phantom process for each test in the string, the entire string is executed as a subtest. The test result will be success if the entire subtest is a success.
If there is a javascript error, the subtest will fail.
=head3 options
The method also takes a hashreference of additional options. They are as follows:
=item name
The name of the subtest
=item plan
The number of tests that are expected.
While not required, this is more useful than most plans in L
=item package
The package that is searched for Perl functions if the function name is not fully qualified.
=item bind
A hash reference of key-value pairs which then have shortcuts built in the phantom process. The pairs passed are merged into
{ ok => 'Test::More::ok', is => 'Test::More::is', diag => 'Test::More::diag', note => 'Test::More::note', fail => 'Test::More::fail', }
In the phantom process you may then use the shortcut as
Which is handy if you are using a certain function often.
Note that if the value is falsey, the key name is use as the target.
=item setup
A pass-through option specifying javascript to be run after the page object is created but before the url is opened.
=item phantom
If you need even more control, you may pass in an instance of L
=item no_exit
Do not automatically call C<phantom.exit()> after the provided JavaScript code. This is useful when testing asynchronous events.
=item note_console
Redirect C
=item phantom_args
Specifies an array reference of command-line arguments passed directly to the PhantomJS process.
Not enough people test their client-side javascript.
The primary goal is make testing js in you L
=item *
Have the test script not depend on a running mojolicious server (i.e. start one, like L
=item *
Emit tap in a normal way in a manner that prove -l can collect tests
=item *
Not have to reimplement a large chunk of the test methods in either L
This module is the result of those goals and my limited design ability. I encourage contribution, whether to this implementation or some other implementation which meets these goals!
=head1 NOTES
The C
=head1 AUTHOR
Joel Berger, Elt>joel.a.berger@gmail.comE<gt
Copyright (C) 2015 by Joel Berger
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.