jberger / Text-AsciiTeX

Convert (La)TeX formulas to ASCII art (in Perl)
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=head1 NAME

Text::AsciiTeX - Convert (La)TeX formulas to ASCII art


use Text::AsciiTeX;

equivalent examples

my @textarray = render('\frac{1}{e}'); print "$\n" for @text_array;

my $text_array = render('\frac{1}{e}'); print $text_array;

print scalar render('\frac{1}{e}');



This module provides a mechanism to render (La)TeX formulae to ASCII art. It is based solely on F written by Bart Pieters (See L</"UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGIES">).


This module exports the C function.

=head2 C<< render( $latex [, $columns] ) >>

=head3 Argument(s)

The function C accepts a string containing a formula in (La)TeX formatting. Optionally, an integer may be given to specify the number of columns for the output or zero for no-breaking. The default number of columns is 80.

=head3 Return

Since version 0.03 the return value is context aware.


=item *

In list context, C returns a list whose elements are strings, one for each row of the art. Printing each line, terminated by a newline will probably do what you expect.

=item *

In scalar context, C will return a string of the concatenated lines, each ended with a newline.

=item *

In void context, C will print the scalar context return directly to the C