jberlana / JBCroppableView

JBCroppableView is a subclass of UIView built with UIKit and CoreGraphics that adds n points on an UIImageView allowing to modify them by drag & drop to trim the extra space of an image.
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JBCroppableImageView is a subclass of UIImageView built with UIKit and CoreGraphics that adds n points on an image allowing to modify them by drag & drop to trim the extra space of an image.



Usage (see example Xcode project in /TestCroping)

to set up, initialize how you would a reular UIImageView:

-JBCroppableImageView *cropView = [[JBCroppableImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:”demo”]];

it will be initialized with four crop points. To add or subtract the number of points:

[cropView addPoint]; [cropView removePoint];

to crop the imageView to the requested shape or to revert back to uncropped state:

[cropView crop]; [cropView reverseCrop];

to retrieve the cropped image:

[cropView getCroppedImage]; [cropView getCroppedImageWithTransparentBorder:YES];

*the image property of JBCroppableImageView remains as the original image



Credit Javier Berlana, Mobile One2One