jbeuckm / drupal-client

Javascript client for Drupal Services
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A Javascript client for Drupal 7 / Services Module

Build Status


  1. An installation of Drupal 7.x and Services Module

  2. REST Server module enabled, an endpoint defined and appropriate permissions (system, user, node, etc.). In server settings, enable only response formatter json the request parsing mime types application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.

  3. A Javascript project - node.js or Titanium are known to work.



bower install drupal-client

<script src="https://github.com/jbeuckm/drupal-client/raw/master/bower_components/drupal-client/build/drupal.min.js"></script>


npm install drupal-client

var Drupal = require('drupal');


Copy lib/drupal.js and lib/field.js into your app/lib/ folder.

var Drupal = require('drupal');


Configure the client for your installation of Drupal+Services. Note that the URL includes the trailing slash.

var drupal = new Drupal();

drupal.setRestPath("http://mywebsite.com/", "rest_endpoint");

Create a Service and enable (at least) the Resources called "system" and "user".

Get a session

    function(sessionData) {
        var uid = sessionData.user.uid;
        console.log('session found for user '+uid);
    function(error) {
        console.log('boo :(');

Create an account

var user = {
    name: 'my_new_username',
    pass: 'my_new_password',
    mail: 'my_email@drupal.js'

    function(userData) {
    function(error) {
        console.log('boo :(');
    headers //optional


var my_username = "<DRUPAL USERNAME>";
var my_password = "<DRUPAL PASSWORD>";

var userObject;

drupal.login(my_username, my_password,
    function(userData) {
        console.log('User ' + userData.uid + ' has logged in.');
        userObject = userData;
        console.log('login failed.');

Modify User Info

This updates an account profile on the server. userObject is a user object that may have been received from a login request (see above).

drupal.putResource("user/"+userObject.uid, userObject,
    function(userData) {
        console.log('user has been updated.');
        console.log('user update failed.');

Upload A File

var filename = "uploaded_file.png";
var data = require('fs').readFileSync("path/to/file/file.png");
var base64data = data.toString('base64');
var filesize = data.length;

drupal.uploadFile(base64data, filename, filesize,
  function (response) {
    fid = response.fid;
  function (err) {
  function (progress_event) {
    console.log(progress_event.loaded + '/' + filesize + ' uploaded');

Create a New Node

var node = {
  type: "my_content_type",
  title: "My New Node",
  body: drupal.field.structureField("Check out this great new node!"),
  field_bool: drupal.field.structureField(1),
  field_decimal: drupal.field.structureField(.1),
  field_float: drupal.field.structureField(2.3),
  field_integer: drupal.field.structureField(4),
  field_multiple: drupal.field.structureField(["one", "two", "three"]),
  field_file: drupal.field.structureField(fid, "fid"),
  field_date: field.structureField(new Date())

  function (resp) {
  function (err) {

Make Requests

The workhorse function of the interface is makeAuthenticatedRequest(config, success, failure, headers). There are a few helper functions included for posting/getting nodes, getting views, uploading files, etc. They all construct a call to makeAuthenticatedRequest(). This function should facilitate most things that people want to do with Drupal in a mobile environment. It's also easy to use `makeAuthenticatedRequest' to make requests against custom Services. The short-term roadmap includes calls to the services supporting entities.


To run the tests, rename test/config.js.example to test/config.js and replace strings with the url of your Drupal install and your service endpoint.

npm install

npm test