jbeyr / madpinger

Designated lambda function for polling uw madison course search and enroll API
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A utility to poll the state of courses in UW-Madison's Course Search & Enroll site.


madpinger section

List information about a section with the (1) term code, (2) subject code, and (3) course ID.

Arguments & Flags


# the following are equivalent
madpinger section 266 022784
madpinger section 266 022784 -t 1234
madpinger section 266 022784 --term-code 1234

madpinger search

Search for courses that match a given query.

Arguments & Flags


# search for 10 open or waitlisted courses that match "comp sci" in term `1234`
madpinger search -o -w "comp sci" 

# search for the first 5 open, waitlisted, or closed courses that match "calculus" in term `1234` 
madpinger search -t 1234 -s 5 -o -w -c calculus`