jbgo / Team-Forming-System

Software Engineering Project
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Team Forming System

Team 3 Software Engineering UTD CS-3354-001 Fall 2009

===================== = Important Details =

Original Version of Java used: (build 1.6.0_16-b01)

To compile: 1) unzip Team-Forming-System.zip 2) change to the Team-Forming-System directory 3) javac -Xlint *.java

To run: java TFSFrame

Usage: The Team Forming System consists of 3 screens. The Create Project screen, the Assign Students to Teams screen, and the Add/Edit Student Info screen.

============================= = Step 0: Getting Acquanted =

When the program is first started, you are greeted in the very bottom of the screen by the Status text area. Within this text zone, important status information can be relayed to you instead of through a plethora of popup and dialog boxes. This zone persists throughout the execution of the program.

At the top of the program is the File menu. After a project has been created, two new items appear under the new "Import" Menu Item. From here you can import a CSV of Users and then you can import a CSV of their skill Information.

============================== = Step 1: Creating a Project =

This is the starting screen. You may optionally choose enter the course number and project name for this project. If you are going to manual rate skills for students, you must specify skills for this project. Use the "Add skill" button to create a new skill for the project. You can change the skill's name and weight by double clicking on the values in the table to make them editable. The weight must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. If you are planning to import student ratings, there is no need to create skills on this screen. When you are satisfied, click "Create project" to proceed to the next screen.

======================================= = Step 2: Assigning Students to Teams =

To use this screen you must first create a list of students and rate those students. Once you have a list of students and their ratings, you may assign them to teams. After you have assigned students to teams, you may view individual teams.

There are two ways to create a list of students: manually and by importing CSV files. To import students manually, you simply click the "Add" button at the bottom of the screen and fill in the Add/Edit Student screen that appears. You may add as many students to a project as you like. You may also edit or remove students by first selecting a row in the table and clicking either the "Edit" or "Remove" buttons.

To import a list students from a CSV file, select "File > Import > Students" from the program menu and choose a CSV file on your computer. If it is in the proper format, the program will load all of the students and you will seem them appear in the table. You can follow a similar procedure to import ratings after you have imported the students by selecting "File > Import > Ratings." We have included some sample .csv files with the program source code for you to use or inspect.

Once you have students and ratings entered, you can assign the students to teams. First select a minimum team size from the "Team size" drop down menu. All teams will be at least as many people on the team as specified by team size, but teams will have not more than team size + 1 people on each team. In other words, selecting a team size of 4 means there may be either 4 or 5 people on each team. Next you select a team assignment method from the "Assignment method" drop down menu to determine how teams are chosen. Finally, click the "Assign Teams" button to assign students to teams. You may try different team sizes and methods until you are happy with the chosen teams.

After the teams have been assigned you may select a particular team to view from the "View team" drop down menu. When you select a team from this menu, only students on that team will be shown in the table.

============================================ = Optional Step 3: Add/Edit Student screen =

This screen allows you to edit details about a student such as their name, UTD email, and skill ratings.