This app controls the TPZOptics camera zoom positions to three positions: zoom in, zoom stage, zoom out.
Run the .exe file (dist\simple_gui.exe) and click the buttons to zoom the camera as required! To change settings, copy the settings file (simple_cmds_settings.txt) in to the same folder as the .exe file and re-run the program.
PyInstaller is used to bundle the script into a .exe file.
pipenv shell
)pyinstaller --onefile --windowed
option and run in cmd with simple_gui.exe
sudo apt install git
git clone
(you may need to remove the directory if it's already there and you are updating the code by rm -rf PTZOptics-Simple-IP
)source env-cam/bin/activate
(may be superceded by pipenv shell), then move into cd PTZOptics-Simple-IP
(or other python files)