jbmelander / jackfish

FLIR-labjack-flystim interface
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actively maintained by Minseung Choi and Joshua B. Melander

  1. Installation and Build
  2. Quickstart
  3. Contributing
  4. Feature Request

Installation and Build

  1. Download this repository and install jackfish in developer mode with pip. Then build the guis with the included build.sh script. Assuming your download is at PATH_TO_JF (for example, ~/jackfish or ~/src/jackfish):
git clone https://github.com/jbmelander/jackfish.git
pip3 install -e .
sh build.sh PATH_TO_JF
  1. Run jackfish via:
    python3 PATH_TO_JF/jackfish/gui/main_controller.py

Optional: I like to set a an alias so that opening jackfish is as simple as typing jackfish in a terminal. Edit your ~/.bashrc and append the line alias jackfish='python3 PATH_TO_JF/jackfish/gui/main_controller.py. Restart the terminal for changes to take effect.


  1. Click Load Preset and load JBM.json
  2. Click Init DAQ and Init Cam for all cameras you wish to use.
  3. Clicking Preview should start streaming any initialized cameras and DAQ windows. Make sure everything looks appropriate.
  4. Click Save Dir and select the directory you will save data to
  5. Click Expt Name and give your experiment a unique experiment name
  6. Make sure Preview is off, click Record. To minimize frame drops turn off live viewing for any cameras and select channel None in the DAQ UI.
  7. If you wish to capture the start and stop strobes from a camera, make sure it is "frozen" before beginning recording (Freeze checkbox in Cam UI). After recording begins, unfreeze the camera and once again freeze it at the end.