jboi-github / GameFrame

All your iOS game needs. Apart from the game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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All your iOS game needs. Apart from the game.

**GameFrame** Logo

GameFrame is a FrameWork, that implements all the nitty-gritty code-snippets for InApp purchases, GameCenter, synchronization of CoreData and iCloud, advertisements, player reviews and more. You can simply add it to your project and design and develop your game idea.

Implementing all the named features is necessary to earn money with the App but often not the first priority. Learning how it works means to read a lot of documentation - often ending in a few lines of code for each. I read all the documents, ran through deploying Apps based on the extracted code and bundled it then in this FrameWork.

What you get

GameFrame follows a simple information model and provides configurable-standard navigations for easy user experience. Additionally it provides two ways to earn money with your game: (1) by adding products, purchasable via in-ap purchases and (2) via advertisements with banners, interstitials and rewarded videos.


There're four kinds of information items that are defined in GameFrameKit.

GameFrame defines Achievement and Score as explained in GameCenter Programming Guide where a GameFrame Achievement relates to a GameCenter Achievement and a GameFrame Score relates to a GameCenter Leaderboard.

For In-App purchases, GameFrame defines Consumable and NonConsumable in the way, they're described in StoreKit In-App Purchase

These items are maintained, reported and interacted throughout the game in many differnt ways. The following picture illustrates how they relate and interact with different services on iOS. illustrate information interaction with iOS services


GameFrame and the GameUIKit provide a standard UX and flow through the various screens of a game. The also provide a number of buttons with predefined behaviour, that can be used in the game to include all the recurring features, that let a game get viral. Overview of navigation items and how they interact

What you have to add to make it your game

The idea is, that you can focus on the game itself. Its logic, design and spirit. But let's start right away.

  1. Download, compile and run: Download this project, open it with XCode, build and run it. See, what you get. Try to press the buttons and navigate through "The Game", which is a ficitve game. Well, it has four buttons that change the values of information items. Its purpose is, to show how to work with GameFrame.
  2. Have a short look at, what you got: GameFrame and the downloaded project conssist of three modules:
    • GameFrameKit: Lowest level. Implements the information items and handling in GameCenter, StoreKit, AdMob, CoreData, iCloud.
    • GameUIKit: Defines the navigation and players experience in the game.
    • TheGame finally is the test and sample implementation of a game, based on GameFrame. Use this as your starting point and reference on how to work with GameFrame
  3. Change "The Game" to make it yours. There're different touch points, where you customize or define your game.
Name Description Defintion Example
Skin Colors, fonts, transitions, animations and positioning of elements. All the look. It consits of about 40 functions, that can be overridden and which return ViewModifier. Modifiers are used everywhere in GameUIKit and have a default implementation. As you can see in the example, you need to override only the ones that you need GameSkin.swift TheGameSkin.swift
Configuration Defines aspects what navigation and information items are presented to the player during the game and with the share button. You also place your AdMob-Ids in the configuration and if the player should explicitely press a play-button to start the game (useful for Arcade games and games with timing) or if, the game starts right away without extra button to press (useful for puzzles or games like chess) GameConfig.swift TheGameConfig.swift
Delegate This is, where GameFrame asks your game for logic. You define here, what to do when a level starts or ends, when the player leaves the app or comes back. You also define if an adHoc offer should be displayed to the player, etc. GameDelegate.swift TheGameDelegate.swift
GameZoneView Here's your game! The view is implemented as an EmptyView with a ViewModifier. Define, what view should be shown in the modifier getInLevelGameZoneModifier(...) which gets the sizes of the view and the sizes of the overlaying information and navigation, you define in GameConfig - TheGameView.swift / TheGameSkin.swift@getInLevelGameZoneModifier(...)
SettingsView One more view you can add. The modifier is getSettingsSpaceModifier(...) and is part of the settings, that the user can see. It is meant for game specific settings like choosing an avatar or a game difficulty - TheGameSettingsView.swift / TheGameSkin.swift@getSettingsSpaceModifier(...)

Checklist to setup a project with full featured GameFrame

This is a list of things, I came across during developing games - and always forget. It's surely not complete. After you installed and started to develop your game you have to interact with these things:

Checklist to deploy ready implemented App

You're ready to go? Did all the implementation? It's tested? It's profiled and performance tuned?

Then, let's go!

Here's a list of things, that probably need to be done now before deployment.

More good readings

At least some, that I like and helped me.