jbootsma / zybo-br-tree

Buildroot tree for the zybo-Z7-20 development board
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Quick Start

  1. Checkout buildroot at a location of your choice.

    git clone https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot.git
    git checkout 2019.08.1

    It is suggested to do this outside the zybo repo.

  2. Seed the configuration with the default config for the board.

    make -C <path-to-buildroot> O=`pwd`/output BR2_EXTERNAL=`pwd` zybo_z720_defconfig

    The above example is for running from the zybo repo.

    • -C points make at the buildroot makefile. Set this to where you checked out buildroot.

    • O sets the build directory, here to the output subfolder.

    • BR2_EXTERNAL tells buildroot where to find the zybo tree.

    After the first make command make can be run as normal from the output directory without any of the extra parameters.

  3. Customize your buildroot configuration.

    cd output
    make nconfig

    It is suggested to enable ccache (Build options -> Enable compiler cache) in order to speed up rebuilds that may be required.

    It may also be useful to adjust the mirrors and download locations in order to increase the speed of the initial package downloads. This setting is also found under Build options.

  4. Run the build.

    make all
  5. Copy the outputs to a FAT-32 formatted SD card:

    cp images/{boot.bin,u-boot.img,fit.itb} <path-to-sd-card-mount>
  6. Set the jumper on your zybo for sd-card boot, insert the sd card, and enable the power.

  7. Attach a console to the uart port on the zybo and login. By default the only user is root, and no password is needed. Suggested consoles are putty for windows, or minicom for linux.

Outputs from the build

All outputs from tbe build are put into the images subdir.

Available defconfigs

Currently the repo contains the following default configurations

Network booting

When developing it may be useful to setup a network load of fit.itb, in order to save time copying each iteration to the sd card.

To start with ensure you have a system that can boot to u-boot, and remove any fit.itb already programmed to prevent auto-loading.

Next you will need to setup a tftp server to serve fit.itb, and configure it to have a static ip-address. Hook up the zybo using an ethernet cable to the same LAN as the tftp server.

Boot into u-boot on the zybo and interrupt the auto boot.

Configure the ip used by your tftp server, and one to be used by the zybo.

editenv host_ip
edit: <tftp server addr>
editenv ipaddr
edit: <zybo addr>

Create the boot command that can be used to load over tftp

editenv bootcmd_tftp
edit: tftpboot $load_addr $host_ip:$fit_image && bootm $load_addr

Edit the boot_targets variable to include the new tftp target.

editenv boot_targets
edit: tftp mmc0 usb0 pxe dhcp

Save the modifications to external flash so they are persisted across resets


Reset the board to test the boot. When the image cannot be found locally u-boot will automatically attempt to load fit.itb from the tftp server. Just rebuild and then reset the board to try modifications.