jboss-set / wildfly-channel-cli

Comparison and report generation tool for wildfly-channel manifests.
Apache License 2.0
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Wildfly Channel CLI

Manipulation and report generation tool for Wildfly Channels.


Execute the fat JAR with --help option to get up-to-date help message:

$ java -jar path/to/wildfly-channel-cli-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
Usage: java -jar wildfly-channel-cli*.jar [COMMAND]
  compare-channels           Generates report that identifies intersecting
                               streams of two given channels, and highlights
                               streams where their versions differ.
  find-upgrades              Generates report showing possible upgrades for
                               streams in given channel by directly querying
                               given Maven repositories. This also generates
                               two manifest files, diff-manifest.yaml and
                               upgraded-manifest.yaml, containing upgraded
                               streams and all streams with upgraded versions
  create-manifest-from-repo  Scans a local maven repository and creates a
                               manifest file representing the GAVs existing in
                               the repository.
  create-channel             Creates a channel file according to given
  merge-manifests            Merges two manifest. The second manifest streams
                               always override the first manifest streams.
  extract-repositories       Extract URLs of the channel repositories, print
                               them on stdout.
  extract-manifest-url       Extract manifest URL from given channel.

find-upgrades command

This command compares a Wildfly Channel against given Maven repositories. I.e. it reports what streams in the channel could be upgraded to a newer version.

java -jar path/to/wildfly-channel-reports-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  find-upgrades "channel-url-or-maven-gav" \
  --repositories "repo1-id::repo1-url,..." \
  [--exclude-pattern "exclude-version-regexp"] \
  [--include-pattern "include-version-regexp"] \
  [--blocklist-coordinate "blocklist-ulr-or-maven-gav"]

Example command invocation:

java -jar target/wildfly-channel-reports-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
  find-upgrades file:base-channel.yaml \
  --repositories mrrc::https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/ \
  --exclude-pattern "[.-]fuse-" \
  --include-pattern "[.-]redhat-"