jboz / plantuml-builder

Plantuml diagram from java sources
Apache License 2.0
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= Plantuml builder

A tools to generate plantuml diagram from java sources.

This tool is an important part of the https://github.com/jboz/living-documentation[Living Documentation tool].

Using a builder pattern, the class ClassDiagramBuilder give you many way to construct and customize the diagram.

== Class diagram example

This code : [source,java]

String diagram = new ClassDiagramBuilder() .addClasses(Vehicule.class, Car.class, Driver.class, Price.class, Wheel.class, Devise.class) .build();

Will generate this :



interface Vehicule

class Car { brand : String model : String driver : Driver price : Price wheels : Collection }

class Driver { name : String cars : List }

class Price { amount : BigDecimal devise : Devise }

class Wheel

enum Devise { CHF EUR USD }

Vehicule <|-- Car Car "" <-> Driver : driver Car --> Price : price Car --> "" Wheel : wheels Price --> Devise : devise


And if you render an image from this previous text file you will get :

image::class-diagram.png[Asciidoctor Diagram classes diagram]

=== For more uses cases and more options see https://github.com/jboz/plantuml-builder/blob/master/src/test/java/ch/ifocusit/plantuml/classdiagram/ClassDiagramBuilderTest.java[**ClassDiagramBuilderTest] or https://github.com/jboz/plantuml-builder/blob/master/src/test/java/ch/ifocusit/plantuml/PlantUmlBuilderTest.java[PlantUmlBuilderTest**] classes