jbreuer / Umbraco-OpenIdConnect-Example

An example to show how Umbraco and OpenIdConnect work together
MIT License
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Umbraco OpenID Connect example package

This example shows how OpenID Connect can be used for members in Umbraco. It's a complete Umbraco solution with a SQLite database. Everything is already configured correct so you can just download the project and run it.

It's based on the external login providers documentation:

This example only works on Umbraco 10.2 or higher.

Backoffice credentials:

Username umbraco-openidconnect@mailinator.com

External member credentials:

Username openidconnect-example@mailinator.com
Password juSp#&uf4a+omLkigIto

[!TIP] I also created a fork of the Umbraco Delivery API - member auth demo. It adds support for external login providers. See this pull request for all the changes. You can also find more info in this blog.

Getting started

You can watch a getting started video here: https://youtu.be/cklH7DtRDIQ

Online presentation

You can watch my online presentation here: https://youtu.be/I4ysh-czrYk

Important files

All important files that are used for this setup are in the Umbraco-OpenIdConnect-Example.Core project.

  1. OpenIdConnectMemberExternalLoginProviderOptions.cs
    This file is used to setup the auto link options.
  2. UmbracoBuilderExtensions.cs
    Extensions used to setup OpenID Connect and the related events.
  3. ExternalLogoutController.cs
    A new controller used for logout on the external login provider.

Short demo

Umbraco OpenID Connect demo


There is a free Auth0 account that this project connects with. The Client ID and Client Secret are already configured for that. Normally the Client Secret should not be in Github, but these settings are only used in this example so it's ok they are public. This is the project: