jbricks / soap2jms

JMS over Soap - A Soap interface to a JMS queue
MIT License
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Jms Over Soap

This project allows to access a JMS queue through a standard SOAP over HTTP web service. It allows to read and send messages from/to a JMS queue. Clients don't have to depend on any JMS implementation libraries. They are simple JAX-WS web service clients, that can be supported by any JAX-WS implementation (Apache CXF for instance).

It is not to be confused with "Soap over JMS". Soap Over JMS encapsulates a soap message into a JMS envelope. It has the same problems of JMS in terms of interoperability and it requires a JMS client implementation to connect to the server.

Visit the website for more informations.


Similar projects

Before starting the implementation I've evaluated similar project, each one has it's own strengths.

ActiveMQ REST Interface

ActiveMQ has a separate project that exposes most of the JMS functions through a rest interface. Pros:


OpenMQ UMS Interface


Hosted on codehaus, the site seems dead (10/11/2016).