jbrry / Irish-BERT

Repository to store helper scripts for creating an Irish BERT model.
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Repository to store helper scripts for creating an Irish BERT model.

Pretrained models

The pretrained models are available to download from https://huggingface.co/models

from transformers import AutoModelWithLMHead, AutoTokenizer
import torch

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("DCU-NLP/bert-base-irish-cased-v1")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("DCU-NLP/bert-base-irish-cased-v1")

sequence = f"Ceoltóir {tokenizer.mask_token} ab ea Johnny Cash."

input = tokenizer.encode(sequence, return_tensors="pt")
mask_token_index = torch.where(input == tokenizer.mask_token_id)[1]

token_logits = model(input)[0]
mask_token_logits = token_logits[0, mask_token_index, :]

top_5_tokens = torch.topk(mask_token_logits, 5, dim=1).indices[0].tolist()

for token in top_5_tokens:
    print(sequence.replace(tokenizer.mask_token, tokenizer.decode([token])))

Set up

Conda can be used to set up a virtual environment to use the software.

  1. Download and install Conda.

  2. Create a Conda environment with Python 3.7:

    conda create -n ga_BERT python=3.7
  3. Activate the Conda environment:

    conda activate ga_BERT
  4. Prepare working directory: The repository will follow the below layout, first create a root directory which will store this repository as well as the other repositories we will use:

    mkdir ga_BERT
    cd ga_BERT

Then install this repository:

git clone https://github.com/jbrry/Irish-BERT.git

# install wiki-bert-pipeline
git clone https://github.com/jbrry/wiki-bert-pipeline.git --branch v0.1.0

# optionally install OpusFilter (see below)
git clone https://github.com/jbrry/OpusFilter.git --branch 1.1.0

This should produce the below directory structure. In general, we will download all external repositories in the root directory ga_BERT.


The above links will download our forked versions of the wiki-bert-pipeline which supports processing external corpora, and is used to create our vocabulary and pre-training data for BERT/ELECTRA. Please follow the instructions to set up the wiki-bert-pipeline in its README. OpusFilter filtering is optional, the above link will clone our forked version of OpusFilter which contains a release of the nlingual-rebase branch that supprts filtering non-parallel texts. If you want to include OpusFilter filtering, please follow the instructions in its README. Note that the VariKN and eflomal dependencies are not required for our purposes.

There are some other pieces of software you will need to download. We use rclone to download files from Google Drive. You will need to download and configure rclone to download the oscar corpus as well as the files we have collated on Google Drive (bear in mind, these scripts won't work for you if you do not have access to our shared folder on Google Drive). For external researchers outside of this project, these scripts may not be of much relevance to you but they can be modified to work with your own data.

Pre-training Corpora

We collect raw corpora for pre-training from the following sources:

Overview of Data

Corpus Number of Sentences Size (MB)
CoNLL'17 1,824,439 136
Google Drive 3,073,490 216
ParaCrawl 782,769 137
OSCAR 366,323 88
Wikipedia 443,277 34
Overall 6,489,852 611

NOTE: the above sentences are not de-duplicated or filtered. As such, they may contain duplicate sentences, large portions of en bitext or noisy text.

Steps for Downloading pre-training Corpora

To download the conll17, gdrive, NCI oscar and paracrawl datasets run the below with the appropriate corpus (or all of them).

python scripts/download_handler.py --datasets conll17 gdrive NCI oscar paracrawl

This will place the downloaded data in the below location:


Then, combine and remove non UTF-8 lines from the the files in a corpus. You can specify the argument --bucket-size <n> to split the corpus into files containing n sentences. If you want to produce just one file, specify n to be larger than your corpus size.

python scripts/text_processor.py --datasets conll17 gdrive NCI oscar paracrawl --bucket-size 100000 --input-type raw --output-type processed

This will place the processed data in the below location:


Wikipedia Data

The Wikipedia data is collected later on when running the wiki-bert-pipeline, where the above-listed data will be merged with the Wikipedia data.

Training a BERT model with Irish data

To prepare the data for BERT pretraining, you will need to install our fork of the wiki-bert-pipeline. In particular, you will need to switch to the external_data branch.

# if you haven't already cloned wiki-bert-pipeline
cd to parent directory of this folder, e.g. 'ga_BERT'
git clone https://github.com/jbrry/wiki-bert-pipeline.git
cd wiki-bert-pipeline
git checkout external_data

You can then collect the relevant corpora and launch the main driver script as well as specify the type of filtering to be applied. For more information, see the available arguments in external_scripts/gather_external_data.py

python external_scripts/gather_external_data.py --datasets NCI --input-type processed --filter-type basic+char-@+lang-@ --char-filter-threshold 1.0 --lang-filter-threshold 0.8 --no-wiki

This will first run a python script external_scripts/gather_external_data.py which will collect the corpora you have downloaded using this (Irish-BERT) repository and place them into a corpus-agonostic directory where the wikipedia articles will also be placed (--no-wiki will skip downloading the Wikipedia files). The rest of the wiki-bert-pipeline will then be run mostly as normal but with the above corpora added. This will create the necessary vocabulary and tfrecords which BERT requires for training.

Pre-training BERT

Once you have ran the above pipeline, the tfrecords should be created at:


You can then launch the BERT pre-training script:

# Train at seq-len of 128 for the first 90% of steps:
sbatch scripts/run_BERT_pretraining_128.job

# Train at seq-len of 512 for the last 10% of steps: (you will need to write this file yourself, as we did not train at sequence length of 512 with GPU)
# See: scripts/run_BERT_pretraining_512_TPU.sh for appropriate parameter values
sbatch scripts/run_BERT_pretraining_512.job

If you have access to a TPU, the following files can be run for BERT pretraining:

# Train at seq-len of 128 for the first 90% of steps:
sbatch scripts/run_BERT_pretraining_128_TPU.sh

# Train at seq-len of 512 for the last 10% of steps:
sbatch scripts/run_BERT_pretraining_512_TPU.sh

Pre-training ELECTRA

We also train ELECTRA models. For this, we use the same pretraining data and vocab.txt produced by wiki-bert-pipeline. We will create our own TFRecords specific to ELECTRA pretraining:


Once the pretraining data is prepared for ELECTRA, change directory to your clone of ELECTRA. The pretraining configuration we used can be found at scripts/configure_electra_pretraining_base.py. Specifically, we overwrote the parameters in configure_pretraining to use our parameters.

To train the ELECTRA model on a TPU with Google Cloud Storage, run (where is the string used in the wiki-bert-pipeline at wiki-bert-pipeline/data/<file_description>:

python3 run_pretraining.py --data-dir gs://gabert-electra/pretraining_data/electra/<file_description> \
    --model-name electra-base-irish-cased

Training takes about 12 hours for every 50,000 steps.

Using/ Inspecting Language Models

To use the models or visualise the masked-fill capabilities, you will first need to download the model checkpoints. You will then need to use the transformers library to convert the TensorFlow checkpoints to PyTorch. You may need to adjust some of the paths if they are different on your filesystem.

# Convert BERT checkpoint
scripts/convert_bert_original_tf_checkpoint_to_pytorch.sh <step_size> <bert_model> <file_desc>

# Convert ELECTRA checkpoint
scripts/convert_electra_original_tf_checkpoint_to_pytorch.sh <step_size> <file_desc> <model_type>

To use the models with transformers, just provide the full path to your local copy of these models, where the directory should contain the model config file: config.json, the vocabulary: vocab.txt and the PyTorch weights pytorch_model.bin. Once you have these files locally, you can run the below to inspect the masked-fill capabilities of the model:

python scripts/inspect_lm_huggingface.py

Limitations and bias

Some data used to pretrain gaBERT and gaELECTRA was scraped from the web which potentially contains ethically problematic text (bias, hate, adult content, etc.). Consequently, downstream tasks/applications using gaBERT should be thoroughly tested with respect to ethical considerations.


If you use this code or the released models for your research, please cite our paper as:

James Barry, Joachim Wagner, Lauren Cassidy, Alan Cowap, Teresa Lynn, Abigail Walsh, Mícheál J. Ó Meachair and Jennifer Foster. (2022). gaBERT - an Irish Language Model. In Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), pages 4774–4788, Marseille, France, 20-25 June 2022, European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

  author    = {James Barry and
               Joachim Wagner and
               Lauren Cassidy and
               Alan Cowap and
               Teresa Lynn and
               Abigail Walsh and
               {\'O} Meachair, M{\'\i}che{\'a}l J.  and
               Jennifer Foster},
  title     = "ga{BERT} {---} an {I}rish Language Model",
  year      = {2022},
  url       = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.lrec-1.511},
  booktitle      = "Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference",
  month          = jun,
  year           = {2022},
  address        = {Marseille, France},
  publisher      = {European Language Resources Association},
  pages     = {4774--4788},