jbrukh / ggit

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ggit: git in golang


ggit is alpha. We currently support reading operations and an API around the following constructs: blobs, trees, tags, commits, refs, packed refs, git packs, and index files. ggit can parse revisions and has a command suite similar to git.



Copyright (c) 2012 The ggit Authors


This project is authored and maintained by:

Jake Brukhman <brukhman@gmail.com>
Michael Bosworth <michael.a.bosworth@gmail.com>


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Under this license you are free, without having to seek permission, to use ggit and to view its source in accordance with the license terms. For permissions beyond the scope of this license, please contact the authors as specified in the previous section.

You must keep intact the copyright notice above and give attribution to the authors of this work. If you would like to become a co-author or contributor to ggit, please contact us.