jcarrier0026 / dbz

simple dbz game
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Simple dbz game

Development Setup

Install SDL2 Dev Package

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev

Compilation Instructions


Run Instructions


Development Tips

Get the latest code

'develop' is the golden branch. Get the latest develop:

# Check out the develop branch
git checkout -b develop origin/develop # or just 'git checkout develop' if you already have a
develop branch

# Check that you're on the right branch
git status

# Check if anything changed on Github
git fetch

# Check if there are changes you need to pull down
git status

# Pull down any changes
git pull

Start a feature branch

  1. Create a feature branch associated with the github issue you're working on.

    # Start a new feature branch based on develop.
    git checkout -b feature/#<issue-number>-<name> origin/develop
  2. Make changes to complete your feature.

  3. Commit your changes.

    # Check that the updated files look correct, and that you're on the right branch
    git status

Make sure the changes look good. This opens the changes in 'less'.

git diff

Stage changes to existing files for commit.

git add -u

Stage any new files for commit.

git add

Make a commit. Write a descriptive commit message.

git commit

Push your branch up to github for review.

git push -u origin

4. Go to github and make a pull request to 'develop'

5. Make requested changes on your PR.

6. Push up your changes.
# Follow the instructions in #3 up to the 'git push' part.
# Push your changes to your remote branch.
git push