jcbastosportela / logioptspp

Smooth scrolling enabler for Logitech mice.
MIT License
50 stars 1 forks source link

Thank you and question... #14

Open BuddhaDiedLaughing opened 4 months ago

BuddhaDiedLaughing commented 4 months ago

Thank you for this work. Another obnoxious issue, for me, is the size of the package Logitech wants us to install just to get smooth scrolling. 2 or 300 MB is ridiculous. And they still couldn't manage to get it to function reliably. "SmoothScrolling" does it in a sub-2 MB package but it costs 20 bucks a year which is insane to me.

ANYWAY, I have a question:

I'm assuming I'll need Logitech's bloatware for this to work. Is that correct? Without it I tried running the exe but it didn't present me with anything just flashed the screen briefly.

Thanks again

jcbastosportela commented 4 months ago

Yes, indeed. This project simply intercepts calls that Logitech's software makes to Windows libs and lie about which app is in foreground.