jcbastosportela / logioptspp

Smooth scrolling enabler for Logitech mice.
MIT License
45 stars 1 forks source link

msbuild workflow

!!! Work in progress !!!

This repo is almost fulfilling it's purpose but the code is a mess, but it is working.

What does this do

Allow users of Logitech mice (mine is an MX Master 3) to enjoy smooth scrolling in all applications.

How to

Compile the solution (or download bianries from the releases), create config.ini file next to the logioptionspprun.exe and logioptionspp.dll, like:

LOGI_PATH=C:\Program Files\LogiOptionsPlus\logioptionsplus_agent.exe
BLACKLIST_APPS=explorer.exe, Taskmgr.exe


LOGI_PATH=C:\Program Files\LogiOptionsPlus\logioptionsplus_agent.exe
WHITELIST_APPS=vscode.exe, my_other_app.exe

where LOGI_PATH is the full path to the logioptionsplus_agent.exe

BLACKLIST_APPS is a comma "," sperated list of executables that you do NOT want to be treated as "chrome.exe", meaning, NOT to receive smooth scrooling. For example, explorer.exe and Taskmgr.exe are applications that feel a bit strange with the smooth scrool.

WHITELIST_APPS is a comma "," sperated list of executables that you want to be treated as "chrome.exe", meaning, to receive smooth scrooling.

NOTE that defining both BLACKLIST_APPS and WHITELIST_APPS is contradictory; defining one of them defines the selection mode; when both are defined it will function in whitelist mode.

Execute logioptionspprun.exe by double clicking it.

The problem that made me do this

If you are here you may be irritated with the fact that your Logitech mouse on does smooth scrolling in certain applications. If you are wondering if it is Logitech's fault or if it is the applications' fault, let me assure you, it is Logitech's fault!

Basically Logitech runs some applications in the backgorund, like the logioptionsplus_agent.exe that is continuously evalutating the application currently in the foregorund; if the foreground application is one of ("magically smoothly scrollable"):

than it will do smooth scrolling, otherwise it won't, regardless of the settings that you make via LogioOptions+.

See this discussion as an example:

The idea

The logioptionsplus_agent.exe is getting the name of the executable in foreground by using MSWindows libraries, namelly kernelbase.dll calling QueryFullProcessImageNameW.

The idea is to intercept this call and return one of the "magically smoothly scrollable" names.

To intercept I am trying to use MS Detours (see:

To make the injection there seem to be two possible approaches:

  1. use detours to preload and start logioptionsplus_agent.exe
  2. inject runtime: start a thread on the logioptionsplus_agent.exe process and load the interceptor DLL

Currently I am more focused in making 1. to work.

Projects on the solution

Tools I am using