jcberthon / unifi-docker

Unifi Controller Docker image and compose
MIT License
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docker docker-compose dockerfile unifi-controller

UniFi Network Controller in a Box - Docker Edition

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

Note: I do not update the README file regularly. So please check the tag lists if newer releases have been pushed.

You will find specific versions (as they build), e.g. 5.6.39 or 5.10.19 or etc.
And "branch versions" tag such as 5.6 and 5.10 which always point to the latest release within a branch (e.g. the most recent 5.10.x release).

"Build" versions per release (e.g. 5.6.39-syyyyyyyy), I'm using the first 8 characters of the SHA1 commit ID. The purpose is when I'm changing my image definition but UniFi Controller release has not changed, I need to distinguish between the previous and newer image although both are 5.6.39 variants. So when a user picks one of the "build" image he is sure to get the same image definition.

My recommendation is to either stick to a "rolling tag" (e.g. lts or stable) or to pick one of the build tag (for better repeatability, e.g. 5.5.20-s11594497).
In any case it is recommended to activate scheduled backup in your UniFi Controller so that if you automatically upgrade when using a rolling tag, you always have a backup file to revert if things get broken.

Project Presentation

This project has for purpose to run the UniFi Network Controller (also known as UniFi Controller or UniFi SDN Controller) inside a Docker container with the following principles:

We have currently the following features to progress towards those goals:

WARNING: in order to guarantee stability of the UID and GID. We are now creating a unifi dedicated user which will always have the UID 750 and its main group is also called unifi and has GID 750. When updating you will need to perform a change of ownership on your volumes (chmod -R 750:750 ...).
This feature is compatible with the new UniFi Controller 5.6 which supports a similar feature.

This project container image can be pulled from:


This is a containerized version of Ubiquiti Network's UniFi Controller (current LTS is version 5.6 branch).

Use docker run --net=host -d jcberthon/unifi to run it using your host network stack and with default user settings (usually this is root unless you configured user namespaces), but you might want to do better than that see below.

The following options may be of use:

Below are a few examples to test with or simply use the docker-compose.yml file in the repository and do docker-compose up -d to start it. That file contains also a number of sane options which we recommend to use as well, such as: restart; cpus; mem_limit; memswap_limit; pids_limit; cap_drop; security_opt. It is recommended to change the values of those options to match your environment and requirements (e.g. increasing the number of cpus).

Note: the following examples set permissions on the volumes so that the container can run with an unprivileged user. This is because the examples are using bind-mount and therefore you must grant permission to read/write/search those folders just like if you launched a process as another user which should access those folders. The example shows that we are setting both user and group ownership, but of course you full flexibility (only setting user or group, providing the privileges via the group, using ACLs if your filesystem support them, etc.)

$ mkdir -p ~/unifi/data
$ mkdir -p ~/unifi/logs
$ sudo chown 750:750 ~/unifi/data ~/unifi/logs
$ docker run --rm --cap-drop ALL -e TZ='Europe/Berlin' \
  -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8843:8843 \
  -v ~/unifi/data:/var/lib/unifi \
  -v ~/unifi/logs:/var/log/unifi \
  --name unifi jcberthon/unifi

In this example, we drop all privileges, activate port forwarding and it can run on a Docker host with user namespaces configured. However, note that in this configuration you will need to follow the [UniFi Layer 3 methods for adoption and management] (
I have personally used the DNS and DHCP approach, both works fine.

A similar example but with the easier L2 adoption, we will need to map the UDP port 10001.

Note that I expect the following to work but I haven't tested it, simply replace the last line of the commands given above by:

$ docker run --rm --cap-drop ALL -e TZ='Europe/Berlin' \
  -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8843:8843 -p 10001:10001/udp \
  -v ~/unifi/data:/var/lib/unifi \
  -v ~/unifi/logs:/var/log/unifi \
  --name unifi jcberthon/unifi

You could of course avoid all port mapping and simply use --net=host, but by doing so you give access to the container to your network device(s). If you run the container as root, it means someone exploiting a future vulnerability in the UniFi Controller software stack could potentially use that to spy on your network traffic or worse. So you are removing the isolation layer between your network stack and your container. It is not bad, it is like if you were running the UniFi services directly on the host without Docker. Anyway, by default this container will run as a non-root user, so you could still use that option and have limited security risk.

Upgrading to newer version

When upgrading to newer version (e.g. going from the 5.6 to 5.7 branch) it is good practice to perform a backup before. You can use the UniFi Controller app to perform such a backup (under Settings -> Maintenance and click the "Download Backup" button). Make sure your backup is handy, potentially create a new container on a different host and try to restore the backup to make sure it works.

It is highly recommended to check the UniFi changelog for the newer revisions to verify for known issues, changes, depreciation, etc. They can also contain additional instructions for upgrading.

Usually simply stop and delete the previous container and respawn a new container with the updated Docker image. If you are using docker-compose, you can update the image tag and simply do docker-compose up --pull -d this will pull a newer image if any, and recreate the container using that image (so it will stop, remove, create and start the container).


Note: UniFi Controller writes also data under the /var/run/unifi folder. I do not expose that folder in the Dockerfile because I do not need it to persist its data (there is a PID file and a json file with information about firmware or controller update). But if you think this information should be persisted (e.g. when you delete and recreate the container), you can just add the volume mapping even if the Dockerfile does not define it.

Environment Variables:

If you want to set UniFi Controller or JVM environment options, you can add them as environment data when spawning your container or edit the unifi.default file in the current folder and mount the file as a volume (/etc/default/unifi), if we take the previous examples, that would be:

$ docker run --rm --cap-drop ALL -e TZ='Europe/Berlin' \
  -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8843:8843 -p 10001:10001/udp \
  -v ~/unifi/data:/var/lib/unifi \
  -v ~/unifi/logs:/var/log/unifi \
  -v unifi.default:/etc/default/unifi:ro \
  --name unifi jcberthon/unifi

Ports used by the UniFi Controller:

The ports which are not exposed by the container image are marked as such. When not specified, assume the port is exposed.

A container should at least redirect port 8443/tcp and port 8843/tcp (if usage of guest network is required). Also check the docker-compose.yml file in this repository for a list of useful ports to map in order to have a functional UniFi Controller.

See UniFi - Ports Used

Running the container on low-memory devices

Our image is based on Java 8u131 or newer, therefore the JVM is container aware, it is able to optimise itself to support the CPU and RAM limits set on the container (based on the CGroups limits). Therefore, the JVM will adapt to the resource limits you will give the container (e.g. if you use the --cpus 2.0 or --memory 2048m). Our current approach is that the JVM process could use up to half of the container allowed max memory, the other half can be used by the MongoDB database. Not that for a home usage (one AP and one switch), the memory usage of the container did not exceed 600MB with the current 5.6 branch.

I haven't tried running it on devices with less than 1GB. But on devices with 1GB of RAM or less, you should make sure that the Java process can allocate up to 512MB heap. This means, you will need to set the maximum heap size manually to 512.

In addition, it is recommended to limit the memory of the complete container. E.g. if you have 1GB RAM, limit the memory to 768MB so your system (kernel, etc.) always have some breathing room. And with this setting, there is still enough memory for MongoDB.

Example with limits to 768MB memory:

$ docker run --rm --cap-drop ALL \
  -e JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE="512m" \
  --memory 768m \
  -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8843:8843 -p 10001:10001/udp \
  -v ~/unifi/data:/var/lib/unifi \
  -v ~/unifi/logs:/var/log/unifi \
  --name unifi jcberthon/unifi

Container Content

This container is based on the Docker Hub official image for Ubuntu 18.04 ( FROM ubuntu:bionic) which is currently using OpenJDK 8. Ubiquiti recommends using either Debian or Ubuntu, so that image looks good. The official Mongo image is based on Debian 7 Wheezy which means using outdated packages and based on OpenJDK 7 by default. Not an option.
We did not consider Alpine because of it's use of the musl libc instead of the GNU libc. The former is not as well tested and I did not want to do extensive tests of MongoDB and Java 8 based on this C library.

Our approach does not strictly follows Docker best practices with respect to micro-services and running one process per container. Our container includes everything the UniFi controller needs, it has notably an embedded MongoDB database, along the 3 Java processes which makes the controller. Therefore we needed a very lightweight sort of init system. The official init script provided by Ubiquiti provides some signal handling and process watching (restarting on exit, etc.). These features are slightly redundant to what Docker can do so we do not reuse their technic but use what Docker provides natively. With our version of the startup script, we can ensure that all services can run as a non-privilege user.

Our solution originally relied on the Docker-provided init daemon (triggered using --init) which provides proper signal handling (catching of SIGTERM, and "propagation" of signals to childs) and zombie reaping. So the init function traps SIGTERM to issue the appropriate stop command to the UniFi controller processes so that they shutdown gracefully. It also prevents zombie to linger and accumulate. However, this solution relied on Docker 1.13+ which is still not widely available (many vendors are still only providing Docker 1.12 or older versions). Therefore, the current solution is to embed a tiny init process, the same that Docker chose to implement its init option: [tini] ( It offers the signal handlings and zombie reaping we wanted and it is very tiny (<100KB).

Example seen within the container after it was started

$ docker exec -t 49b9e24a58f8 ps -e -o pid,ppid,cmd
     1      0 /sbin/init -- /usr/lib/unifi/bin/unifi.init start
     6      1 /bin/bash /usr/lib/unifi/bin/unifi.init start
    55      6 unifi -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -cp /usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar:/usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar -p
    56     55 unifi -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -cp /usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar:/usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar -p
    57     55 unifi -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 -cp /usr/share/java/commons-daemon.jar:/usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar -p
    70     57 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -Xmx1024M -XX:ErrorFile=/usr/lib/unifi/data/logs/hs_err_pid<pid>.lo
    89     70 bin/mongod --dbpath /usr/lib/unifi/data/db --port 27117 --logappend --logpath logs/mongod.log --nohttpinterface --
   959      0 ps -e -o pid,ppid,cmd

Build and Advanced options/configurations

We provide the Dockerfile so of course you can build your own container image. Example build instructions:

$ docker build -t jcberthon/unifi .

Before building your container, you can tweak the file unifi.default.

This files contains several parameters which can override the default configuration. The file contains descriptions of those parameters. But you should be aware that by changing them you could break the controller (especially if you try to change the data and log folders, but do not change the volumes of the container).

The possible parameters can be (they are described in the unifi.default file in much details):


This work was based on the original project However, there is little left of the original project and not really chances of merging. So I've decided to cut the link between the parent project and this one. Anyway, thank you @jacobalberty for getting me kick started on this.

The first change compare to original fork is that I use tini init process and the UniFi Controller init script. So I could remove a lot of unecessary stuff.

In addition, I use the Debian/Ubuntu APT repository from UniFi instead of downloading individual packages, this avoids changing the Dockerfile for each new release from UniFi. I simply need to rebuild my image. In addition, Ubiquiti is using "rolling updates" so that by using the "stable" branch you get always the latest stable release (was 5.4.x when I started, is now 5.6.x at time of edition)

Finally the last change is about security, I'm dropping every possible privileges, I can use user namespaces so that the container processes do not run as root, I'm not binding the container to the host networking but using Docker default bridge network so that I can control which service I expose on my network, it works very good using L3 adoption, it should work with L2 adoption if you expose the port 10001/udp but I haven't tried it.

Note that with the latest update, you do not need to have user namespaces activated, I've set-up the Dockerfile so that all services can run as non-root user and I have set a default user (non-root). So you do not need to add special instructions, when you spawn your container, it will run as non-root user. You still need to specify proper permissions on the bind-mounted folder (UID should be 750 and GID should be 750) in order for the processes to have the rights to read or modify data. If you use Docker named volumes (the provided docker-compose.yml does that by default, or you can create them using the docker volume create ... command), you do not need to specify permissions, Docker will do that to you (at least with the local driver, the default one).
Note: If you really want to run as root, you can simply add --user root to the docker run command (or user: root inside the compose file).

A small extra touch, I've added a HEALTHCHECK directive in the Dockerfile, it will require you to build the container image with at least Docker 1.12. But it provides a neat visualisation when querying the container for its state (starting, healthy, etc.) and can be used by others (e.g. Swarm) for better orchestration.


$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 CREATED             STATUS                             NAMES
7bb52a751107        jcberthon/unifi-docker/unifi:latest   44 seconds ago      Up 43 seconds (health: starting)   unifi
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 CREATED             STATUS                   NAMES
7bb52a751107        jcberthon/unifi-docker/unifi:latest   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes (healthy)   unifi