jcgharvey / vsm-svr

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Vital Stats Manager - Server


  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/jcgharvey/vsm-svr.git/

  2. Create a virtualenv inside the project folder (vsm-svr): virtualenv venv

  3. Activate virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate (Linux)

  4. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Run python in shell and then:

    >>> import models
    >>> models.init_db([num_patients [, min_vital_infos [, max_vital_infos]]]):
  6. Run the app: python app.py


In addition to the above instructions, to run the application in production requires two environment variables to be set:

  1. DATABASE_URL: <db connection string> where db connection string is something like postgres://user:password@host:port/database (most databases are supported). If this environment variable is not set, the application will try to use a local SQLite database (as in development).

  2. PRODUCTION: True in order to disable debug mode in Flask.