Sphero's Ollie
Now even better with a python API library!
Use "sudo hcitool lescan" to find Ollie's MAC address
input it at "deviceAddress =
" (line 244) in the Sphero class in Ollie_driver.py
Included Scripts:
A simple program that connects to Ollie and flashes the internal RGB LED red to green to blue. You can take it a step further and add ollie.roll
commands to make him move using the API.
OlliejoyDrive.py requires PyGame library
Allow you to drive Ollie with a joystick/gamepad. Shows on screen feedback of analog stick as well as speed and heading Currently setup for a Xbox 360 controller.
Adapted the sphero driver library from: https://github.com/mmwise/sphero_ros/tree/groovy-devel/sphero_driver/src/sphero_driver
Used the bluetooth 'stuff' from: https://gist.github.com/ali1234/5e5758d9c591090291d6
TODO: Tie in the btle handleNotifcations to Sphero response API