All of us cooked more during COVID peak and lockdown. Even though the restrictions are lifted and possible to eat at a restaurant, people miss cooking and eating healthy.
This app could be a useful way to help use all the ingredients in the user’s fridge.
Hopefully, it'll help people use the food they have before it expires.
Screenshot of Final Webpage
Live URL
- GIVEN I need a recipe including specific ingredients I choose
- WHEN I search for an ingredient
- THEN I am presented with different recipes that include that ingredient
- WHEN I view the recipe
- THEN I am presented with the ingredients list for that recipe as well as directions for the dish.
- WHEN I insert multiple ingredients on the search bar
- THEN once again I am presented with recipes that contain those ingredients
- WHEN I filter the search engine (optional for now)
- THEN I am presented with results for those filters
- WHEN I click on “back to ingredients”
- THEN I am again presented with the homepage
User Story
- AS A covid era survivor
- I WANT TO know what ingredient I have left in the fridge
- SO THAT I can easily know what gorceries I need to buy
Jongwon Michael Choi -
Michelle Gonzalez -
Younus Y. Seddiq -
Third-party assets used: Materealize CSS Framework, Spoonacular API, Rick And Morty API, Jquery