jchouse / bemhtml

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bemhtml language support in Atom

Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to bemhtml file in Atom.

Originally (https://github.com/atom/language-javascript).

Based (https://github.com/feugenix/BEMHTMLSublime).

Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to add snippets, make grammar tweaks, etc.


don't be afraid to press ⇥

block b -> block blockName,

block b: -> block: 'blockName',

elem e -> elem elemName,

elem e: -> elem: 'elemName',

block + elem be -> block blockName, elem elemName,

mod m -> mod modName modValue,

mods m: -> mods: { modName: 'modValue' },

elemMod em -> elemMod modName modValue,

elemMods em: -> elemMods: { modName: 'modValue' },

mix mi: -> mix: [ { block: blockName } ]

content c: -> content: [ { ... } ]

js js: -> js: { ... }

tag t: -> tag: 'tagName',

attrs a: -> attrs: { ... }

cls cl: -> cls: 'className',

bem: false bf: -> bem: false