jclehner / bcm2-utils

Utilities for Broadcom-based cable modems
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Utilities for Broadcom-based cable modems.

Features available for bcm2dump and bcm2cfg differ, depending on whether a device profile is available for your specific device or not. It should be easy to add support for other devices. Some pointers can be found below.

Binaries for macOS, Windows and Linux are available here (outdated at the moment).

For Arch-based Linux distros, there's a package on the Arch User Repository.


Usage: bcm2dump [<options>] <command> [<arguments> ...]

  -s               Always use safe (and slow) methods
  -R               Resume dump
  -F               Force operation
  -P <profile>     Force profile
  -L <filename>    I/O log file
  -O <opt>=<val>   Override option value
  -q               Decrease verbosity
  -v               Increase verbosity

  dump  <interface> <addrspace> {<partition>[+<off>],<off>}[,<size>] <out>
  scan  <interface> <addrspace> <step> [<start> <size>]
  write <interface> <addrspace> {<partition>[+<off>],<off>}[,<size>] <in>
  exec  <interface> <off>[,<entry>] <in>
  run   <interface> <command 1> [<command 2> ...]
  info  <interface>

  /dev/ttyUSB0             Serial console with default baud rate
  /dev/ttyUSB0,115200      Serial console, 115200 baud,2323         Raw TCP connection to, port 2323,foo,bar      Telnet, server, user 'foo',
                           password 'bar',foo,bar,233  Same as above, port 233

  c6300bd, cbw383zn, cg2200, cg3000, cg3100, cg3101, cga4233, 
  ch7485e, debug, epc3008, evm3236, evw32c, fast3286, fast3686, 
  fast3890, generic, mb7420, mg7550, sbg6580, tc7200, tc7210, tc8715, 
  tcw770, tm902s, twg850, twg870

This utility can be used to dump firmware or other flash contents. bcm2dump requires either an unlocked bootloader (serial connection), or a working firmware shell (CM> prompt; serial and telnet supported).

Read/write speed varies, depending on the interface and source. The following tables give a broad overview. "Fast" methods write machine code to the device, which is then executed. Serial speeds are based on a baud-rate of 115200.

Read speeds
ram ram (fast) flash flash (fast)
bootloader (serial) 500 B/s 4.4 KB/s N/A 4.4 KB/s
firmware (serial) 2.5 KB/s N/A 2.8 KB/s N/A
firmware (telnet) 20-50 KB/s N/A 20-50 KB/s N/A
Write speeds
ram ram (fast) flash flash (fast)
bootloader (serial) 12 B/s 2.3 KB/s N/A N/A
firmware (serial) 18 B/s N/A 18 B/s N/A
firmware (telnet) 18 B/s N/A 18 B/s N/A

Firmware images are usually in Broadcom's ProgramStore format. Utilities for extraction and compression are available from Broadcom (and GPLv3'd!):



Show device profile (and list partitions):

$ ./bcm2dump -P tc7200 info
tc7200: Technicolor TC7200
pssig         0xa825
blsig         0x3386

ram           0x80000000 - 0x87ffffff  (   128 MB)  RW
bootloader    0x83f80000 - 0x83f9ffff  (   128 KB)
image         0x85f00000 - 0x865bffff  (  6912 KB)
linux         0x87000000 - 0x8747ffff  (  4608 KB)

nvram         0x00000000 - 0x000fffff  (     1 MB)  RO
bootloader    0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff  (    64 KB)
permnv        0x00010000 - 0x0001ffff  (    64 KB)
dynnv         0x00020000 - 0x000fffff  (   896 KB)

flash         0x00000000 - 0x03ffffff  (    64 MB)  RO
linuxapps     0x00000000 - 0x019bffff  ( 26368 KB)
image1        0x019c0000 - 0x0207ffff  (  6912 KB)
image2        0x02080000 - 0x0273ffff  (  6912 KB)
linux         0x02740000 - 0x02bbffff  (  4608 KB)
linuxkfs      0x02bc0000 - 0x03dbffff  (    18 MB)
dhtml         0x03dc0000 - 0x03ffffff  (  2304 KB)

Dump partition image1 from flash to image.bin, via the modem's builtin telnet server at, username foo, password bar.

$ ./bcm2dump dump,foo,bar flash image1 image.bin 
detected profile tc7200 (bfc)
dumping flash:0x019c0000-0x0207ffff
   3.13% (0x019f6000) 38944|29259 bytes/s (ETA      00:03:54)

Dump 128 kilobytes of RAM at 0x80004000 to ramdump.bin, using serial over tcp, with the server at at

$ bcm2dump dump,5555 ram 0x80004000,128k ramdump.bin

Dump 16 kilobytes of partition dynnv from nvram to ramdump.bin, starting at offset 0x200, using a serial console:

$ bcm2dump dump /dev/ttyUSB0 nvram dynnv+0x200,16k ramdump.bin


This utility can be used to inspect, and modify device configuration data. Supported formats are the GatewaySettings.bin file, as well as NVRAM dumps (permnv / nvram).

Given a device profile, it can also be used to enrypt, decrypt, verify, and fix a GatewaySettings.bin file. Dumping an unencrypted file does not require a profile.

Usage: bcm2cfg [<options>] <command> [<arguments> ...]

  -P <profile>     Force profile
  -p <password>    Encryption password
  -k <key>         Encryption key (hex string)
  -f <format>      Input file format (auto/gws/dyn/perm/boltenv)
  -z               Add padding when encrypting
  -q               Decrease verbosity
  -v               Increase verbosity

  verify  <infile>
  fix     <infile> [<outfile>]
  decrypt <infile> [<outfile>]
  encrypt <infile> [<outfile>]
  list    <infile> [<name>]
  get     <infile> [<name>]
  set     <infile> <name> <value> [<outfile>]
  remove  <infile> <group name> [<outfile>]
  dump    <infile> [<name>]
  type    <infile> [<name>]
  info    <infile>

  c6300bd, cbw383zn, cg2200, cg3000, cg3100, cg3101, cga4233, 
  ch7485e, debug, epc3008, evm3236, evw32c, fast3286, fast3686, 
  fast3890, generic, mb7420, mg7550, sbg6580, tc7200, tc7210, tc8715, 
  tcw770, tm902s, twg850, twg870

bcm2cfg can be used to inspect and modify device configuration data. Currently supported formats are the GatewaySettings.bin file that can be downloaded via the web interface, CM NVRAM dumps/files ( cm_perm.bin and cm_dyn.bin on newer devices), and BOLT bootloader variables (often located in a partition named flash0.nvram and flash0.nvram1

To display the contents, use:

$ bcm2cfg info GatewaySettings.bin
type    : gwsettings
profile : tc7200
checksum: ef49b64540163f356704601f9b31ac88 (ok)
size    : 26228 (ok)

38303231  8021  0.36    bcmwifi         745 b
4344502e  CDP.  1.5     dhcp           1500 b
52472e2e  RG..  0.30    rg             3192 b
46495245  FIRE  0.7     firewall      11267 b
54383032  T802  0.10    tmmwifi         293 b
5550432e  UPC.  0.6     upc            9129 b
4d4c6f67  MLog  0.6     userif           22 b

For less verbose output, you can use the list command instead:

$ bcm2cfg list GatewaySettings.bin

The .* indicates that a variable has child entries, which can be displayed using the list command. For example, to list variables in userif, run:

bcm2cfg list GatewaySettings.bin userif

To display both variable names and their respective values, use the get command instead:

$ bcm2cfg get GatewaySettings.bin userif
userif = {
  http_user = "admin"
  http_pass = "admin"

To change the webinterface password (userif.http_pass), run

$ bcm2cfg set GatewaySettings.bin userif.http_pass "secret"`

If a set command fails for some reason, you can use the type command to display information about the type for a particular variable. This is especially useful for bitmask or enum types:

$ bcm2cfg type GatewaySettings.bin userif.http_pass

$ bcm2cfg type GatewaySettings.bin firewall.features
features {
  0x00000002 = keyword_blocking
  0x00000004 = domain_blocking
  0x00000008 = http_proxy_blocking
  0x00000010 = disable_cookies
  0x00000020 = disable_java_applets
  0x00000040 = disable_activex_ctrl
  0x00000080 = disable_popups
  0x00000100 = mac_tod_filtering
  0x00000200 = email_alerts
  0x00002000 = block_fragmented_ip
  0x00004000 = port_scan_detection
  0x00008000 = syn_flood_detection

Bitmask types can be either set numerically (set firewall.features 0x06), or by setting and unsetting individual bits (set firewall.features +0x04, set firewall.features -0x02, set firewall.features +email_alerts, set firewall.features -keyword_blocking).

Note that most of these operations require knowledge of the internal format of a settings groups. For example, if we didn't know the format of the userif group, only the raw data would be available. In this case, the output would look like this (note the -v flag; without it, uninterpreted data is not printed):

$ bcm2cfg -v get GatewaySettings.bin grp_mlog
grp_mlog = {
  _data = 00:05:61:64:6D:69:6E:00:05:61:64:6D:69:6E

All currently known group definitions are found in nonvoldef.cc.

Writing a device profile

A device profile is neccessary for most functions to work as advertised. All current definitions can be found in profiledef.c.

For a great howoto, courtesy of the folks at @ecos-wtf, check out this blog post.

The following information is required to add a new profile:

Firmware (if unlocked)

To get the firmware image, dump either image1 or image2.

$ bcm2dump -P generic dump /dev/ttyUSB0 flash image2 image.bin
Bootloader (if unlocked)

An easy way to locate the bootloader is to jump to an arbitrary location in RAM, and then study the exception handler's output. Jumping to a random address is one way to crash your device, but to be safe, you could write an opcode to RAM that will cause a crash, and then jump to that location. Something like sw $zero, 0($zero) (0xac000000) is always a safe bet:


Write memory.  Hex address: 0x80000000
Hex value: 0xac000000


Jump to arbitrary address (hex): 0x80000000

******************** CRASH ********************

r00/00 = 00000000 r01/at = 83f90000 r02/v0 = 80000000 r03/v1 = 00000001 
r04/a0 = 83f8e3c0 r05/a1 = 00000000 r06/a2 = 80000000 r07/a3 = 00000000 
r08/t0 = 00000020 r09/t1 = 00000000 r10/t2 = 00000029 r11/t3 = 0000003a 
r12/t4 = 20000000 r13/t5 = 000000a8 r14/t6 = 00000000 r15/t7 = 00000000 
r16/s0 = 942100d8 r17/s1 = 00000000 r18/s2 = 1dcd6500 r19/s3 = 0337f980 
r20/s4 = 94210084 r21/s5 = 000063d8 r22/s6 = efa9fd7c r23/s7 = 0000fc14 
r24/t8 = 00000002 r25/t9 = 00001021 r26/k0 = efa9fd7c r27/k1 = 83f8b16c 
r28/gp = 35552b87 r29/sp = 87ffff40 r30/fp = 00000215 r31/ra = 83f86fd0 

pc   : 0x80000000               sr  : 0x00000002
cause: 0x0000800c               addr: 0x00000000

The most important info here is ra, but we can also see many other references to 0x83f8XXXX, so it's safe to assume that the bootloader is loaded somewhere around this address.

Restart the device, go into the main menu again, and we can fire up bcm2dump to dump the bootloader code from ram. The bootloader is usually very small, around 64k. To be safe, we'll dump 128k before and after 0x83f80000:

$ bcm2dump -P generic dump /dev/ttyUSB0 ram 0x83f60000,256k bootloader.bin

####### Flash read functions

Determining which function is used to read from flash might be more difficult. In general, you're looking for a function that takes 3 parameters: buffer, offset, and length. The dump code used by bcm2dump currently supports 3 function signatures:

BCM2_READ_FUNC_PBOL: read(char **buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
BCM2_READ_FUNC_BOL:  read(char *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
BCM2_READ_FUNC_OBL:  read(uint32_t offset, char *buffer, uint32_t length)

... and 4 return type definitions (which are currently ignored):

BCM2_RET_VOID: guess what?
BCM2_RET_OK_0: function returns zero on success
BCM2_RET_ERR_0: function returns zero on error
BCM2_RET_OK_LEN: function returns length on success

Use a string from the bootloader code as the profile's magic to support profile auto-detection.