jcordes73 / openshift-cartridge-jboss-wmq

A embedded OpenShift Enterprise 2.x Cartridge for provisioning WebSphere MQ RAR in JBoss EAP 6
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An OpenShift Enterprise 2.x cartridge for provisioning WebSphere MQ RAR on the JBoss EAP 6 cartridge.

Adding WebSphere MQ RAR

First you have to download WebSphere MQ RAR from

Copy the WebSphere MQ RAR into the project

cp wmq.jmsra.rar src/main/resources/cartridge/configuration


For building the project you need Maven installed. I have used Maven 3.0.5.

Just execute (after setting mvn on the PATH):

mvn clean install

Below you can find information on what properties are used and can be overriden by passing system properties (i.e. using -D{name})

Property Default
wmq.jndiName java:jboss/eis/MQCF
wmq.connectionNameList localhost(14138)
wmq.channel MYCHANNEL
wmq.queueManager MYQUEUEMANAGER
rpm.key.name D3AABAF5
rpm.key.passphrase redhat


After the build you need to copy the resulting RPM to the target OpenShift node (for convenience I have used the /tmp directory):

scp target/rpm/openshift-cartridge-jboss-wmq/RPMS/noarch/openshift-cartridge-jboss-wmq-${project.version}-1.noarch.rpm root@${openshift.node.ip}:/tmp

then install it using

rpm -ivh openshift-cartridge-jboss-wmq-${project.version}-1.noarch.rpm

After the RPM has been installed successfully you need to install the cartridge like this:

OSE 2.0

oo-admin-cartridge -a install -s /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges/jboss-wmq

OSE 2.1

oo-admin-ctl-cartridge -c import-node --activate

The last installation step is to clear the caches on the OpenShift Broker:

OSE 2.0

oo-admin-broker-cache --clear --console

OSE 2.1

service ruby193-mcollective restart


To remove the cartridge you first need to remove the package installed via RPM:

rpm -e openshift-cartridge-jboss-wmq-${project.version}-1.noarch

The next command will list all available OpenShift cartridges along with it's versions and cartridge-versions:

OSE 2.0

oo-admin-cartridge -l

OSE 2.1

oo-admin-ctl-cartridge -c list

Finally you delete the cartridge using this command

OSE 2.0

oo-admin-cartridge -a erase --name jbosswmq --version ${wmq.version} --cartridge_version ${project.version}

OSE 2.1

oo-admin-ctl-cartridge -c delete -n jboss-wmq-${project.version}

Cartridge creation

When creating the cartridge you can pass the following environment variables to override the defaults specified in the pom.xml earlier:

Name Default (pom.xml)