Have you ever been lost on where to go out to eat?
Dinner Spinner is a location based app that will give users a randomized list of restaurants within your desired radius and restaurant prefences(rating, price, type of food, etc.). User prefences and info can be stored in a database via sequalize. The app utilized the Google Places API for a map display and restaurant search.
To edit Dinner Spinner for your own use, you need to get an API key from google through this link: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/get-api-key
Upon opening the website a window will pop up asking existing users to sign in with email/ password combo. If it is the users first time on the page they will have the option to sign up with their name, email, and desired password with an extra confirm password box. This data is then stored in a MYSQL database using Sequelize.
The user will also have the oppurtunity to view the results on a google map window or a list format. If the user wants they can also get directions via Google Maps to the restaurant or make call the restaurant if they are using the app on their mobile device. If the user wants more information on the restaurant they can click on each result on the map and it will show a street view of the location along with how busy it is at that given time, our app will also only shows restaurants that are currently open. If they user decides they want to go to a place on the list they will click a button that says "On my way!", this will add the restaurant to the users entry on our MYSQL database so next time they use the app it won't show that restaurant in their next results. Finally if the user does not like any of their results they can choose to spin again with a new list of results.
The users selection will be stored into another table in the same MYSQL database called SELECTIONS. Choosing a restaurant will create an entry in the table with the user ID, restaurant ID, and restaurant name.
When the user returns to the sit and logins, this will trigger a GET and POST request from the SELECTIONS table to display the previous restaurants visited so they know to pick a new place to go.
Jack Coster: https://github.com/jcoster19
Moh Kemal: https://github.com/mrkem598
David Han: https://github.com/dhan30
Tika Gurung: https://github.com/tika2091