jcp-org / jsr358

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Welcome to the JSR 358 ( project

Java Community Process

This is the public project for JSR 358: A major revision of the Java Community Process, the third of several '''' JSRs to modify the JCP's processes.

This JSR will make changes to the JSPA, the Process Document, and the Executive Committee's Standing Rules with the goals of further improving the organization's processes, correcting problems that have become apparent over recent years, and clarifying language to reduce ambiguity.

As required by JCP 2.8 (introduced with JSR 348) we will discuss our business in public, publish all of our working materials and meeting minutes, and track issues in the open:

NOTE: there is no need to formally "join" this project in order to participate - everything is visible to those who are not project members, and formal ''observer'' status carries no additional privileges.

Java Community Process