jcpetkovich / .emacs.d

This is my emacs config
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cd $HOME
git clone ~/.spacemacs.d
emacs --batch -l ~/.spacemacs.d/init.el


=spacemacs= is both the config and a script for bootstrapping both =~/.emacs.d/= with [[][spacemacs]], and for any external spacemacs layers used.

Some other dependencies you may want to install:

If you don't want the functionality of these particluar packages, you may ignore them, as the configuration should run without them.

The defaults for emacs/evil are used wherever possible, the following sections document significant alterations or interesting pieces not included in emacs by default.

For more general help, To show every custom custom binding just run M-x describe-personal-keybindings. To see an interactive and searchable list of any active keybindings in the current buffer, run C-h b.

To understand these keybindings you must understand the emacs keybinding notation.

*** General Editing | Keybinding | Description | |------------+--------------------------------| | ~M-RET~ | DWIM newline | | ~C-'~ | Expand Region | | ~C-"~ | Contract Region | | ~M-n~ | Grow whitespace around point | | ~M-N~ | Shrink whitespace around point | | ~M-\~ | Shrink whitespace DWIM | | ~M-/~ | Hippie Expand | | ~M-?~ | Hippie Expand Line |

*** Multiple Cursors | Keybinding | Description | |------------+-----------------------------------------------------| | M-m | Mark symbol or next like it (Like C-d in sublime) | | M-M | Mark word or next like it | | C-S-n | Mark next like this | | C-S-p | Mark previous like this | | M-' | Mark all DWIM |

*** Buffer Splitting and Moving | Keybinding | Description | |------------+----------------------------------------| | M-! | Delete current window (not buffer) | | M-1 | Delete all other windows (not buffers) | | M-2 | Split window vertically | | M-@ | Split window horizontally | | M-j | Move focus to next window | | M-k | Move focus to previous window |

*** File opening, Searching and Navigation | Keybinding | Description | |------------+---------------------------------| | M-o | Open a file in project | | M-i | Fuzzy search current buffer | | C-x M-i | Fuzzy search all buffers | | M-l | Fuzzy search current project | | M-v | Search buffer by semantic units |

*** Capitalization M-c <key> | Keybinding | Description | |------------+------------------------| | - | Turn word to snakecase | | m | Camel Case word | | c | Capitalize word | | l | Downcase word | | u | Upcase word |

*** Transposition M-t <key> | Keybinding | Description | |------------+---------------------| | l | Transpose line | | p | Transpose parameter | | s | Transpose sexpr | | w | Transpose word |

*** Spacemacs

| Keybinding | Description | |------------+-----------------------| | SPC | Leader Key (in evil) | | M-m | Leader Key (anywhere) |