jdanner1 / CANS

Advanced Text Vocalizer
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John Danner Individual Project

Problem Statement

There are many advanced technologies making their way into every day life but with so much unfamiliar jargon and overly brief explanations from immersed experts it can be overwhelming and off-putting. This site was built as a demonstration to show how something really advanced can have practical applications in your life and not be difficult to work with. This site provides the ability to generate audio files with spoken language for any text you provide. You can choose from 10 different languages, although a few overlap but contain different dialects. All of this is made possible by leveraging IBM's Watson artificial intelligence.

The applications for this are only limited by your imagination. You could use it to record the message for your voicemail, build your own audio book, learn a new language or just check pronunciation. You could use it as a voice over to give a robotic twist to your youtube video. Use it to trick your mom into thinking you finally have a girlfriend. We don't care what you choose; we just want to put the power in your hands to watch with pride as you breathe life into whatever project makes you happy or motivated. Give it a try and see just how easy using AI can be.

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