Dev Job Tracker
Joseph David -
Alejandro Rodriguez -
Current state of our website
Right now you can register as a user, sign in, and submit entries of either an Online Assesment, Interview, or Job Application. These entries will be displayed in a table on the dashboard and will persist for each user under their account.
What does your application do?
Gives a platform for speciically developers to keep track of jobs they've applied to, have OA's for, and display it using a calendar
What makes it different than a CRUD app? I.e., what functionality does it provide that is not just a user interface layer on top of a database of user information,and the ability to view / add to / change that information?
There will be a feature to suggest jobs similar to jobs you've applied to by using a job api
What security and privacy concerns do you expect you (as developers) or your users to have with this application?
We need to keep user's passwords safe by encrpyting them before they are stored in the database, also authenticate users when navigating around the website