=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MarpaX::Languages::M4 - M4 pre-processor
=head1 VERSION
version 0.020
use MarpaX::Languages::M4;
use Log::Any;
use Log::Any::Adapter;
use Log::Any::Adapter::Callback;
Log::Any::Adapter->set('Callback', min_level => 'trace', logging_cb => \&_logging_cb);
my $m4 = MarpaX::Languages::M4->new_with_options();
print "Value: " . $m4->value . "\n";
print "Rc: " . $m4->rc . "\n";
sub _logging_cb {
my ($method, $self, $format, @params) = @_;
printf STDERR "$format\n", @args;
This package is an implementation of M4.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 $class->new(%options --> ConsumerOf[M4Impl])
Please do m4pp --help for a list of all options. Returns a new M4 object instance.
=head2 $self->quote(Str $string --> Str)
Returns $string enclosed by current quote start and quote end.
=head2 $self->unquote(Str $string --> Str)
Returns the unquoted $string.
=head2 $self->appendValue(Str $result --> ConsumerOf[M4Impl])
Append string $result to M4 preprocessing output.
=head2 $self->value(--> Str)
Return M4 preprocessing output.
=head2 $self->valueRef(--> Ref['SCALAR'])
Return a reference to the M4 preprocessing output.
=head2 $self->parseIncremental(Str $input --> ConsumerOf[M4Impl])
Parses $input. Can be called any number of times.
=head2 $self->parse(Str $input --> Str)
Wrapper on parseIncremental(). Calling this method parses a single input and disable any later call to parseIncremental().
=head2 $self->unparsed(--> Str)
Returns the input not yet parsed. For example, when input ends with a macro call that requires parameters, and the parameters list is not complete.
=head2 $self->setEoi(--> ConsumerOf[M4Impl])
Turns on end-of-input flag. Then no call to parseIncremental() or parse() will be possible.
=head2 $self->eoi(--> Bool)
Get current end-of-input flag.
=head2 $self->raiseException(Str $message --> Undef)
Log $message to error stream and throw an exception of class ImplException.
=head2 $self->file(--> Str)
Get current file name. See NOTES.
=head2 $self->line(--> PositiveOrZeroInt)
Get current line number. See NOTES.
=head2 $self->rc(--> Int)
Get current parse return code. Should be POSIX::EXIT_SUCCESS() or POSIX::EXIT_FAILURE().
=head2 $self->isImplException(Any $obj --> Bool)
Return a boolean saying if $obj argument is an ImplException consumer.
=head2 $self->macroExecute(ConsumerOf[M4Macro] $macro, @args --> Str|M4Macro)
Execute macro $macro with arguments @args. Output is dependent of current parsing context, and can return an internal token instead of a string.
=head2 $self->macroCallId(--> PositiveOrZeroInt)
Return current macro internal call identifier. This number increases every time a macro is called.
=head2 $self->nbInputProcessed(--> PositiveOrZeroInt)
Return number of input processed so far.
=head2 $self->readFromStdin(--> ConsumerOf[M4Impl])
Enters interactive mode.
=head2 $self->debugFile(--> Undef|Str)
Return debug file, undef if none.
=head2 $class->defaultWarnMacroSequence(--> Str)
Return default --warn-macro-sequence option value (used by m4pp to handle MooX::Option non support of optional value on the command-line)
=head1 NOTES
file() and line() methods, nor synchronisation output, are currently not supported. This is on the TODO list for this package.
M4 is a MooX::Role::Logger consumer, using explicitely Log::Any's "f" functions in all its logging methods. This mean that the message, in case you would use something like e.g. Log::Any::Adapter::Callback, is always formatted, with no additional parameter.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jean-Damien Durand jeandamiendurand@free.fr
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.