jdhitsolutions / PSTeachingTools

:mortar_board: A set of commands and tools for teaching PowerShell. The module should work in Windows PowerShell, PowerShell 7.x and run cross-platform.
MIT License
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powershell teaching-powershell


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Install this module from the PowerShell Gallery:

Install-Module PSTeachingTools [-scope AllUsers]

Do not attempt to download and install from this repository unless you are an experienced PowerShell user. Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery as shown above.

The module should work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7, including cross-platform. Please post an issue with any feedback, suggestions, or problems.

:teacher: Teaching PowerShell

This PowerShell module includes tools and techniques for teaching PowerShell. Many of the commands will create a set of sample objects and commands that can be used to demonstrate a variety of PowerShell techniques and concepts without having to worry about anything technical like Active Directory, services, or file objects.

Once the module is imported, you can use these commands like any other PowerShell command.

Using objects in the pipeline

setting objects

Beginning in v4.0.0 of this module, the custom vegetable objects are exposed as publicly-defined objects with a variety of properties and methods. Some of the properties are read-only. Associated enumerations are also now publicly available.

PS C:\> Get-Vegetable Corn | Get-Member

   TypeName: PSTeachingTools.PSVegetable

Name        MemberType    Definition
----        ----------    ----------
State       AliasProperty State = CookedState
Equals      Method        bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method        int GetHashCode()
GetType     Method        type GetType()
Peel        Method        void Peel()
Prepare     Method        void Prepare(PSTeachingTools.VegStatus State)
ToString    Method        string ToString()
Color       Property      PSTeachingTools.VegColor Color {get;}
CookedState Property      PSTeachingTools.VegStatus CookedState {get;set;}
Count       Property      int Count {get;set;}
IsPeeled    Property      bool IsPeeled {get;set;}
IsRoot      Property      bool IsRoot {get;}
Name        Property      string Name {get;}
UPC         Property      int UPC {get;}

PS C:\> [PSTeachingTools.VegStatus]::Sauteed

The PSVegetable object has a custom format file with defined table views.

PS C:\> Get-FormatView PSTeachingTools.PSVegetable

   Type: PSTeachingTools.PSVegetable

Format    Name
------    ----
Table     default
Table     State
Table     color

This means you can run a command like:

PS C:\> Get-Vegetable | Format-Table -View color

The Color view relies on ANSI values stored in the $AnsiVegColor hashtable.

The primary idea behind these commands is that you can use them to teach core PowerShell concepts and techniques. Once the student understands how vegetable objects work in the pipeline, it is a small step to files, processes, and services.

See the about_PSTeachingTools help file for more information.

:robot: Typed Demos

The module also includes a function for simulating an interactive PowerShell console session. You can type your commands in a file and have the function "play back" the commands just as if you were typing the commands. The function will pause after every | character. Pressing Enter will advance the demo. The commands from the demo file will also be added to the session's command history.

Live Commands

Starting in v4.1.0, you can insert <live> into your demo file. When Start-TypedDemo reaches this line, it will let you enter a live command. Enter a command carefully and without error. Backspaces will break this step. Due to timing, the first key stroke may not be detected. This feature should be considered experimental.

Read command help for Start-TypedDemo. A sample file is included in this module.

Learn more about PowerShell: http://jdhitsolutions.com/blog/essential-powershell-resources/


If you find this module helpful or valuable, especially if used in a commercial setting, a small token of sponsorship would be deeply appreciated.