Fast TV channel information grabber
fast_tv_grab_nl is a C++ TV channel information grabber.
The functionality is similar to tv_grab_nl_PY (
fast_tv_grab_nl grabs TV channel and programme information from two possible providers:
Information is converted into the XMLTV format.
Programme categories are converted to the categories known by TVHeadend.
The current Makefile is created for compilation on a bootstrapped Synology DS1813+ (or any other x86_64 Intel Atom diskstation)
Create config file: (edit config file, and remove unwanted channels):
./fast_tv_grab_nl -p <provider> --createconfig
The config file can be found in ~/.xmltv/fast_tv_grab_nl.conf
Grab channel info and feed into TVHeadend:
/fast_tv_grab_nl -p <provider> --quiet | socat - UNIX:/usr/local/tvheadend/var/epggrab/xmltv.sock
J. Dierkse