jdkr / textadept-dev-tools

MIT License
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This module is only for the gui-version and not for the terminal version. It is testet on the Linux and Windows environment. Mac should also work.



Work with projects

Extended functions

There are some extended functions that the user can activate/deactivate from the menu: Dev-Tools -> Settings. These functions extend the default behaviour of the underlying functions and overwrite/extend their keybindings.

Function Keys Description
Find extended (Ctrl+f ; Cmd+f) If there there is a single selection the selected text will be put into the find_entry_text
Select Word extended (Ctrl+Shift+d ; Cmd+Shift+d) Select word is extended with putting the selected word into the find_entry_text. This enables to directly cycle through the occurrences of the text with find_next and find_prev
Join lines extended (Ctrl+Shift+j ; \^j) Join selected lines with shrinking all the whitespace in between lines to 1 space
Cut extended (Ctrl+x ; Cmd+x) If nothing is selected and the user calls cut, then the current line will be cutted
Run extended (Ctrl+r ; Cmd+r) Before the command is executed the current view_buffer_state is stored. If there is a project loaded the project's run_main_filepath and run_commands will be respected
Compile extended (Ctrl+Shift+r ; Cmd+Shift+r) Before the command is executed the current view_buffer_state is stored. If there is a project loaded the project's compile_main_filepath and compile_commands will be respected
Build extended (Ctrl+Shift+b ; Cmd+Shift+b) Before the command is executed the current view_buffer_state is stored. If there is a project loaded the project's build_commands will be respected

Additional functions

There are additional functions that can be called from the menu or via keybindings. Most of these keybindings are a keychain that can be activated with Alt+d.

Function Keys Description
Open Settings Alt+d os Opens the settings file for controlling functions behaviour and keybindings
Rename File Alt+d rf Opens a dialog to rename the filename of the current buffer. On rename the buffer will be closed and directly reopened afterwards
Goto Keyline Ctrl+g Opens a dialog with the lines in the current buffer that are matching predefined patterns. Patterns are defined in keylines.lua. There are currently a limited number of languages supported, but additional patterns can be added easily if one knows about the syntax of the language and regular expressions
Goto Origin Ctrl+Shift+g Every time a Goto Keyline or Goto related Keyline command is applied a new origin is defined. With goto_origin the user can go back to this point
Switch Print Buffers (Ctrl+Alt+Enter ; Cmd+Alt+Enter) For all Views, if the current Buffer is a Print-Buffer (i.e. Find_in_Files_Buffer, Message_Buffer), then switch to the previous Buffer that wasn't a Print-Buffer
Load Project Alt+d lp Opens a dialog to choose one of the stored projects. After a project is loaded, it persists (even after restart) until it's unloaded
Unload project Alt+d up Unloads the current project
New project Alt+d np Opens a dialog to put in project's name and opens the project config-file afterwards
Configure project Alt+d cp Configuration of loaded project by opening the project's configuration file
Quick open project Alt+d qop Quick Open of defined project files
Find in Project Alt+d fip Finds search text in project files and print results to [Files-Found-Buffer]. All open files are saved before and existing content in [Files-Found-Buffer] is cleared before
Replace in project Alt+d rip Opens a dialog to input a replace text, then replaces all occurrences of Find in Project results. Works only if the current buffer is the [Files-Found-Buffer] and there are Find in Project results
Find+Replace in project Alt+d frip First does Find in Project and directly afterwards Replace in Project
Find in Libraries Alt+d fil Find search text in project libraries and print results to [Files-Found-Buffer]. All open files are saved before and existing content in [Files-Found-Buffer] is cleared before
Quick open in Libraries Alt+d qol Quick Open of defined library files
Close Library-Buffers Alt+d clb Closes all Buffers which filepath is defined in the project's library pathes
Goto related Keyline f12 Takes the Word under the caret and finds related keylines in defined project files. Optional: if goto_lib=true, then search also in the project libraries

The keybindings Ctrl+g and Ctrl+shift+g for Goto Keyline and Goto Origin are in conflict with the keybinings for find_next and find_prev. On Linux/Win there is an alternative for these functions with the keys F3 and Shift+F3. On Mac the user has to find his own solution.

Additional Settings

Name Description
prefered_view_idx view number where the output of run-, compile- and build-commands, as well as the results of find_in_project and find_in_libraries is printed out. If set to nil, then the current view is used to print
goto_lib indicates whether the function Goto related Keyline should take the project libraries into account
libs_read_only when open a file that is contained in the project libraries, the buffer is set to read_only=true if this flag is set to true