jdotjdot / BashWeather

A Bash script to add regularly updated localized weather icons to your bash prompt
MIT License
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A Bash script to add regularly updated localized weather icons to your bash prompt.

Pull requests welcome!

Program: BashWeather
Author: J.J.
Email: JJ@jdotjdot.com
Version 1.2

This script makes use of the following tools:

BashWeather screenshot

Screenshots of sample terminal sessions with BashWeather, note the moon

Known Issues:


BashWeather.sh -h gives the following:

USAGE: Add . [/path/to/]BashWeather.sh [options] to your .bashrc, then include $WEATHERCHAR in your bash $PS1 variable somewhere below that. If you plan to use the provided RunLocateMe binary that makes use of Mac OS X's geolocation feature, make sure that it is located in the same directory as BashWeather.sh. Alternatively, if you simply wish to return the character, you can use the -e flag like printf "$(. [/path/to/]BashWeather.sh [options] -e )" to print the weather character.


BashWeather will create the following global variables in Bash: