jdrbc / podly_pure_podcasts

Ad-block for podcasts
MIT License
216 stars 10 forks source link

Ad-block for podcasts. Create an ad-free RSS feed.


## Overview Podly uses Whisper and Chat GPT to remove ads from podcasts. Here's how it works: - You request an episode - Podly downloads the requested episode - Whisper transcribes the episode - Chat GPT labels ad segments - Podly removes the ad segments - Podly delivers the ad-free version of the podcast to you ## Usage - `config/config.yml.example` into new file `config/config.yml`. Update `openai_api_key` with your key. - Start the server & note the URL. - For example, `` - Open a podcast app & subscribe to a podcast by appending the RSS to the podly endpoint. - For example, to subscribe to `https://mypodcast.com/rss.xml` - Subscribe to `` - Select an episode & download - Wait patiently :). Transcription is the slowest part & takes about 1 minute per 15 minutes of podcast on an M3 macbook. ## How To Run Install ffmpeg ```shell sudo apt install ffmpeg ``` Copy `config/config.yml.example` into new file `config/config.yml`. Update `openai_api_key` with your key. ```shell pip install pipenv pipenv --python 3.11 pipenv install pipenv shell python src/main.py ``` ## Remote Setup Podly works out of the box when running locally (see [Usage](#usage)). To run it on a remote server add SERVER to config/config.yml ``` SERVER=http://my.domain.com ``` Podly supports basic authentication. See below for example setup for `httpd.conf`. ``` LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so ProxyPass / RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto http RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Prefix / SetEnv proxy-chain-auth On # auth AuthName "Registered User" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /lib/protected.users require valid-user ``` Add users by running: ``` sudo htpasswd -c /lib/protected.users [username] ``` Some apps will support basic auth in the URL like http://[username]:[pass]@my.domain.com ## Ubuntu Service Add a service file to /etc/systemd/system/podly.service ``` [Unit] Description=Podly Podcast Service After=network.target [Service] User=yourusername Group=yourusername WorkingDirectory=/path/to/your/app ExecStart=/usr/bin/pipenv run python src/main.py Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` enable the service ``` sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable podly.service ``` ## Environment Variables If you're using OpenAI only the `openai_api_key` is required. ### OpenAI ```shell openai_api_key='sk-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef' openai_base_url='https://api.openai.com/v1' # optional openai_model='gpt-4o' # optional ``` ### Ollama ```shell openai_base_url='' openai_timeout=300 openai_max_tokens=4096 openai_api_key='ollama' openai_model='phi3:14b-medium-4k-instruct-q5_K_M' ``` ### Whisper ```shell whisper_model='base.en' # optional ``` To use OpenAI API instead of local model ```shell REMOTE_WHISPER=TRUE # optional ``` ## Database Update The database should automatically configure & upgrade on launch. After data model change run: ``` pipenv run flask --app ./src/main.py db migrate -m "[change description]" ``` On next launch the database should update. ## Contributing We welcome contributions to Podly! Here's how you can help: ### Development Setup 1. Fork the repository 2. Clone your fork: ```bash git clone https://github.com/yourusername/podly.git ``` 3. Create a new branch for your feature: ```bash git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name ``` ### Running Tests Before submitting a pull request, you can run the same tests that run in CI locally using: ```bash scripts/ci.sh ``` This will run all the necessary checks including: - Type checking with mypy - Code formatting checks - Unit tests - Linting ### Pull Request Process 1. Ensure all tests pass locally 2. Update the documentation if needed 3. Create a Pull Request with a clear description of the changes 4. Link any related issues ### Code Style - We use black for code formatting - Type hints are required for all new code - Follow existing patterns in the codebase